Wednesday, February 04, 2004 |
Proper Behaviour?!?!
Like every other school (college) day.. I got up at about 6.. ok well I was late today.. 6 something.. and got ready.. showered.. grabbed my stuff.. a box of cereal and dashed for the car.. Dropped my sister off at school.. (coz now she’s in the morning session..) and then dropped my grandmother off for breakfast.. well as we stopped to let her down.. this really crazy man started walking towards the car.. and when I say crazy I mean.. he was swinging his arm around like a mad man.. shouting at the air.. and pointing at nothing.. then he stopped.. and without warning.. he started again..
It got me thinking.. well what drove this man to become like what he is.. was it.. love.. money.. society.. or was it that he was just born like that?! My English teacher was pointing out one day, that Japan has a high suicide rate due to the.. supposedly.. fast-paced lifestyle and rat-race (that’s what she likes to call it) within the society and that morality has something to do with it as well.. Is it really happening in M’sia itself?! Sometimes I do feel the pressure of what the government.. and the society.. expect.. Not only about exam results but social issues.. Can we really expect sudden drastic changes from everyone and is there really something to be proud of when someone scores 15 1As for SPM?! Do we really think so much of the exam?! And what does it actually mean when someone gets so many 1As..?! Is it that the person is extremely bright?! Or is it just that the standard of education and examination is low?! Well as a student waiting for my results, I am.. of course.. glad and thankful that the standard is at what ever level it is at.. at least I do stand a chance of doing well.. What about the social issues.. everyone is suddenly in such panic mode.. with all the health issues and rape cases.. why weren’t people as concerned before?! If you think about it.. it is not like it hasn’t been happening for a long time.. it’s just that the press never highlighted them.. What does this say about us?! Is it that we lack awareness of these issues.. Or maybe it’s because we just don’t care unless it’s so severe that it might affect ourselves?! Shouldn’t health be a 24/7 issue?! Shouldn’t we always be conscious of cleanliness and not only take precautions when a disease break loose?! Well actually to tell the truth.. I am somewhat confused at which side of the society I stand.. Whether or not I’m one of those who care or not..
At times.. I have to admit.. when someone said something about saving the environment or was having a anti-snatch-thief campaign.. I wouldn’t even bother to stop and look or listen.. But at other times.. if I saw someone who threw something on the road or anywhere else but the bin.. I would instantly snap.. of course I don’t necessarily sum up the courage to yell at them unless they are my friends.. even then most of the time I don’t.. I would pick it up.. no seriously.. I’m not lying.. I do.. when I was in form 5 in high school.. I have to say that my class wasn’t exactly the cleanest.. and I would pick up the pieces of rubbish along the corridor.. sometimes I even just pick up the broom and sweep the class even though it was not my duty.. because I know that no one else in my class would have bothered.. I don’t blame them.. only a crazy person like me would?! Am I praising myself.. NO of course not.. am I insulting my classmates?! NO certainly not either.. I know them well and they are not bad people.. not inconsiderate.. They are great people.. with great personality.. But then why is it that no one actually gives a rat’s arse about keeping the class clean.. Sometimes I wonder if they really don’t care that the class became a rubbish dump.. But then I think they just don’t think about that at all.. maybe that no one has ever emphasised cleanliness in such a way that made it feel like they’d actually die without it.. And why is it that we are so fond of breaking rules?! Sometimes I can’t understand why some people can’t even just wear their nametag.. is it really that repulsive or is it just that it makes them feel uncomfortable or is it that they just HAVE to disobey?! I really don’t know..
I also heard about something bad that happened in school today - I still refer to high school as school - that some people have been terrorizing the school.. a banner with the word ‘VENOMOUS’ painted on it was on the lawn, and on the back of it was written something like: “we are gonna belasah the hm” or something like that.. and not only that the word was written everywhere.. all over school and a police report was lodged.. An investigation is going on I guess.. but they suspect it’s not a student who did it.. I doubt it myself.. even though there’s a 1st time for everything but never before has anything remotely this serious has ever happened in school.. and there absolutely isn’t any reason to.. I can’t believe what has the world come to these days.. *Sigh*..Labels: P.O.V. |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/04/2004 07:00:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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