Saturday, August 07, 2004 |
Malaysia Idol... vs. Catwoman...
Ok... I haven't written anything on Malaysian Idol as yet... So far the workshop rounds are over... the wild card will be annouced on Sunday (tommorow)... So who's through already??? Let me tell you... this is the overview of what I think... From Wokshop 1: Ahmad Zamil... not a too bad singer... but I don't think his voice is up to Idol standard... Faradinal... I like her... she's quite good... has potential... Vick... too boyband for Idol... people say he's a rather good singer with good looks well... I say he's anything but... Next... Workshop 2: Andrew... hmmm well... he has a rather interesting voice but he's too stiff and no charisma at all... needs to work hard if he wanna stay in the competition... Fazdli... interesting guy... has his own style... but I don't think he's Idol type... Victor... another so called goo singer with good looks... ahem I don't think so... Next... Workshop 3: Jac... the coolest contestant... the talent and charisma is definitely there... Malaysia's version of Fantasia maybe... has got great stage presence with her own style... Fahmy... well... I think he's voice is just average... but I love the song he sang... if anyone knows it please mail me or something and tell me... something about 'Kisah Kita Berakhir di Januari...' or something... Saipul... ohmygosh... I dunno wat's so good about him... actually his voice is ok but I don't know... he doesn't have the ummpphh... but I dunno I could be wrong... As for the wildcard... it's tough to call... almost all were quite good... better than previous... but I might say Rydee and Nikki maybe... Actually in the beginning... it was interesting at all... it was rather bad producing and video editing... and the show wasn't half as entertaining as American Idol... but now I think things are beginning to change... I reallt hope that MI will bring out some really good talents from Malaysia... we really need it... My pick for Malaysian Idol currently is Jac... she's great... But my definition of Malaysian Idol would be: talented, versatile, charismatic, good stage presence, friendly, good command of both English and Malay but Eng more important for marketing, has her own style, and sings with personality and passion... I think it's really important to have passion... if not he/she will fade from the industry easily... But he what do I know??? I'm just me... Watch it for yourself Malaysians, every Friday night and 10pm on 8tv and repeat on Sunday at 12pm on tv3... results at 10pm on 8tv and repeat on Monday on tv3 at 7pm... watch and vote!!! Make the differance... if not... we'd probably end up with some lousy Idol... Ok?? Next... ok well... I just got back from One Utama after watching Catwoman... My personal view?? I think it is better than Spiderman 1... but a bit fake... However... the great thing about the movie I would say is... Halle Berry... the kickass chick... and also that the movie keeps moving and keeps the audience interested not like Spiderman where they keep prolonging everything and making it so longwinded... Catwoman was straight to thepoint... I would recommand for all movie goers but maybe not for guys... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 8/07/2004 08:35:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
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