Monday, December 27, 2004 |
The Phantom Of The "Movies"
After much anticipation... the famous Andrew Lloyd Webber musical The Phantom Of The Opera had finally reached the screens... At first we wanted to watch the musical in West End when we were in London but we decided to catch other ones which we can't watch else where first... Anyway so we decided to catch it in the movies... and we did on Christmas day... The movie was more similar to the book than it is to the musical... however there are some distinct differences... The story starts off in 1919 many years after 'the incidents'... There was an auction being held in the old theater... An old Raoul arrives in a carriage and is now so old he has to use a wheelchair... in the auction... things from the old theater were being auctioned off...and he sees Mdm. Giry... and then when they started auctioning off 'the chandelier'... the theater lights up and the story shifts to the past... that's where the real story starts... throughout the whole movie there were a few flash backs... Ok so first I will talk about the good things of the movie... I like the way they filmed the movie... the cinematography is quite good... the way they piece the story together... especially the way they began the story... it was very grand... they also provide subtitles whenever they sang... that was good going because some parts are hard to hear... but sometimes the subtitles are wrong... my favourite scene was Masquerade... I love the song as well!! Hahaha... the characters have fairly good chemistry as well and most gave a good performance... the actors didn't have the best voices around but they weren't half bad... Now to the bad... Sometimes the actors can be a bit weird and stiff... I don't really like the guy who played Raoul... I was also dissapointed with the make up they did for the Phantom... his deformaties weren't that horrifying... and the fact that his hair becomes lighter coloured and thinner when his mask is taken off is just ridiculous... Overall I would say that the movie was only ok... don't watch it if you have to pay more than RM 8... Even when I went to watch it the cinema was only half filled... I guess not many people would appreciate things like this...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/27/2004 06:20:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
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