Thursday, February 03, 2005 |
Kung Fu Hustle
Directed by and stars Stephen Chow... I think you know what you're in for... I think most of you have watched it already... i just didn't get a chance to until recently... Okay so the movie is about back in the times when mafias roam around in Hong Kong openly and causing termoil and suffering to all the people... oh and also the time when everyone wore suits... nice... hahaha... anyway yeah the mosts feared mafia gang is the "Axe Gang"... so named because their weapon is the axe... only when that fails do they use guns... And one day... the gang find themselves in a small little village called "Pig Sty Village" where the people (very strange people) lived relatively peacefully except for the outrageous treatment they get from the landlady... and the Axe Gang bullied the people due to some misuderstanding caused by the character Chow plays only to be know as The One... and forcing the kung fu master who were living in seclusion in the village to reveal themselves in order to save the innocent villagers... But after being defeated... the head of the Axe Gang was enranged and enlisted the help of the second greatest assassins in Hong Kong who uses music to kill their prey... This only forced the two greater masters of the village to revea themselves as well... the landlord and the landlady together know as Fated Lovers... defeating the assassins... the head of the Axe Gang is now forced to seek help from the greatest killer, Beast. Unfortunately, The One was beaten to pulp by Beast because he tried to save the Fated Lovers. By some miracle, because of this, Beast had cleared the Chi flow within The One and unleashed his true potential, making him now a powerful kung fu master himself... in the end The One defeated Beast but spared him death and by doing so Beast was trully defeated and begged for forgiveness... After that... the "world" became peaceful again and everyone could live in the open now... and of course the guy gets the girl... The movie itself is pretty violent... it's no wonder why the sensorship board rated it 18... but it has quite good humour in it as well... like all Stephen Chow movies... this is a hit as well... protraying what Chow loves best in all his movies... different styles of kung fu techniques including some intersting ideas as well... I enjoyed the movie... If you like kung fu you're sure to like this as well... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 2/03/2005 04:24:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
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