Friday, August 05, 2005 |
Civil Engineering... Underated
One of my subjects for this semester is Civil Engineering Introduction... Basically... it introduces us to the different sectors in civil engineering... structures... hydraulics... geotech... environment... Tunnelling... Transport... Mining... etc. So anyway... part of the syllabus was to emphasise how underated civil engineers were... "We're" just not appreciated enough until of course it's time to "blame" us... It really makes me think of how things will be once I go out into the "real world"... I just can't imagine the amount of responsibility engineers have to the society... Personally I'm one who's not too keen on responsibility... The less the better... that's my motto... But anyway... we've been recommended to either read or watch this documentary by BBC... It's called "Seven Wonders Of The Industrial World"... It's trully a great documentary... It would make any engineer proud... Made me think... I'm not really the profile of an engineer am I?! Well anyway... just one last thing... Civil engineers are nothing without architects... even though the can design structures but they are often boring... But architects are definitely nothing without civil engineers... their structures just won't stand... For example... the Sydney Opera House... a Danish architect designed the building but when the engineers did their calculation... it turned out that the design was not possible and they had to keep altering the design... and it took about 7 years or something like that to make it possible to build... Cool ei... Hahaha... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 8/05/2005 04:20:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
See my complete profile
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