This is the first year I've seen Australian Idol but I can definitely say that this year's final is packed with talent... These 13 finalist are all just so different and talented... I would even go as far as saying they are better than most of the American Idol finalists... Amongst all I only dislike one... Laura... no offence to anyone who thinks she's great... I don't know wny... I just don't like her... My favourites are Anne, Dan, Daniel and Milly... But I would put my money on Dan... he's just so cool and I absolutely love his voice... It's like contemporary blues-jazz type... Oh you've just got to listen to him... He's absolutely amazing!! Hehe...
As you would have noticed... there are 13 finalists instead of the traditional 12... This is because Roxanne had been so close to getting in twice and she never let the judges down so they decide to let her in... Which means that this week... 2 people had to go and those two were Tarni and Chris... Initially I really liked Chris... he was cool but then his charm started to fade and his song choices were a little dodgy... I was dissapointed with Lee's performance... the song was a little too mellow for him... he needs punk rock songs...!!! And the only other rather dissapointing person was James who just seem to not make any progress with his nerves... But Dan and Anne were AWESOME!!! For anyone in Australia... catch Australian Idol on Channel 10 at 7.30pm on Sunday for the live performances and Monday for the live verdict... Cheers... Labels: music, news |