Sunday, October 16, 2005 |
Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride
Like how any other Tim Burton production would be... this animated movie of a guy who accidentally married a corpse bride is meant for the entire family but is a little creapy... the main character is voiced by Johnny Depp (with a British accent)... For those of you who have seen The Nightmare Before Christmas... the animation is very similar to that style since it's from the same people... and the thing which I like about them is that they portray creapy characters like a corpse, skeleton, worm who lives in a corpse and other death creatures as nice friendly creatures... The story is not too exciting though... it's basically about two families who set up their children for a fixed marriage meeting for the first time on the day before the wedding... Both the bride and groom however are rather sceptical on the marriage beccause they believe that two people should only get married if they are in love... But when they meet for the first time... sparks fly... When it comes time for the marriage rehearsal... the groom was so nervus he couldn't say the vows properly... He freaks and runs away into the woods... There he calms himself down and pratices his vows... When he finally gets it right something goes wrong... he had placed the ring into the finger of a corpse... which he thought was a branch... the corpse rises from the dead and brings her husband to the underworld... He tries to explain that it was all a mistake but she was so excited and ignorance is bliss... So he tried to find a way back to see his "living" bride... but when he gets back to the living world he finds that they had assumed that he had ran off with some other woman and his bride would be engaged to someone else... Heartborken he agrees to stay with the corpse bride... But after awhile... she realises that even though she loves him he does not love her... so she brings him back to the living but his fiance is now someone else's wife... However they find out that the only reason he married her was for the parent's money which they actually don't have... they also find out that the corpse bride was killed by the same man... so they fighgt back and kick him away... and the corpse bride finally settles her unfinished business and heads off to heaven or wherever... the leading man and woman are now free to be wed... I thought to movie was a little boring myself... but it's just one of those shows where you want to watch till the leading man and woman can finally get together... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 10/16/2005 05:02:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
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206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
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