Saturday, February 07, 2004 |
Where's The Morality?!?!
I was out shopping yesterday (I’m writing this on the 8th) at Carrefour, Subang Jaya.. It wasn’t like there was anything special really.. But there was something really.. well quite.. disgusting that I saw happen.. See I was at the refrigerated section, next to the frozen section, and there was this guy who was.. I don’t know how to describe it.. but it was like he was maybe sucking on the cover of this orange juice carton.. maybe even got a bit of licking.. hey don’t think wrong man.. it’s nothing bad.. This guy is I would say maybe in his 30s.. and he was with his girlfriend or wife, whatever, and I was just like okay.. disgusting but fine.. But then.. He reached out his hand to put it back on the fridge.. but pulled it back again.. Seriously.. I was about to scream at the guy.. But it wasn’t my business was it?! Well then after that I just left.. I didn’t bother to stay to find out whether or not he finally decided to buy that particular carton of orange juice.. If this guy really did put the carton back.. WHAT on earth was he thinking.. or didn’t he realise what he was actually doing.. Eewwww.. what is wrong with some people these days.. Like spitting on the ground.. or sticking their chewing gum everywhere.. Oh well whatever then..
Okay.. another thing.. I’m not sure how many of you or who actually did it.. but I know there are some who got the driving license by going under the table.. Well is it really right to do it?! I know that there are many who would say that it doesn’t matter because we drive auto cars and not manual right.. Still isn’t it ethically wrong?! Personally.. I would also just like to do that.. cause then I’d get my license already.. But I’m definitely not going to.. Though I really hate driving with manual.. it makes me so tension cause I have bad hand, eye, leg co-ordination… seriously bad.. my brain is like.. ok break, clutch, break.. but instead it break and clutch only.. then the engine dies.. especially on the road.. AHHHH!!! Scared of getting hit.. But so far.. Thank God (I’m not cursing.. I’m really thanking Him..) I’ve been spared.. So anyway.. back to the issue.. Well I’m not sure also, how many of you actually read the papers everyday.. but a few days ago.. this guy was charged for accepting bribes.. and was let off with a RM2000 fine.. I think.. But I remember it was very little.. What do you think?! Is it enough..?! Or maybe it was too harsh?! Who should we actually blame?! The briber for bribing.. or the bribed for accepting?! Or maybe both are wrong?! I don’t really know what’s my point exactly.. I just think it’s wrong.. But if you did it.. I don’t blame you.. so Cheers.. hahaha..
posted by
WanTse @ 2/07/2004 07:00:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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