Friday, August 13, 2004 |
Tequila Shot Hangover
Ok… so Discovery is currently showing some stuff related to everyday life… personally I’m very interested in these kinda things so… today’s topic will be ALCOHOL (Ethanol, CH3CH2OH for science students) and the HANGOVER effect… so for those who have gotten hungover… you’d know what it feels like… and for those heavy drinkers… well laugh all you want but you don’t even know that your body is turning into shit… but for those of us who have not had much experience in the drinking part itself such as myself… well we’ve all heard of the many stories of drinking too much and getting a hangover the next day and of course the flirting and aggressive behaviour which comes free compliments of alcohol… But what’s the truth behind all this… well… you might think that… “Just one glass of beer fine”… but the truth is the moment you finish your first glass (no matter the size) of alcohol… your brain signals start to change… Firstly… let’s see how alcohol behaves… alcohol actually has analgesic properties where it acts like anaesthetic… in fact… alcohol was used as anaesthetic in the old days where they did not have the ones they use now… anyway what it does is it sedates our body and when too much is taken… it causes a feel of euphoric… which gives us the high feeling… Generally… we get ‘wasted’ after 5-6 glasses of alcohol… And what happens next?… Well… we all know that a tad bit too much of alcohol makes us a bit woozy rite well it’s cause the alcohol disrupts the correct signal sent by the brain and creates false readings of balance in the inner ear at the semi-circular canals… hence causing us to feel dizzy… Have you ever wondered why people always cannot remember what happened the night before when they were drunk?… when there’s too much alcohol in the body… it causes an imbalance in the brain chemicals and stops the memory production of our brains… As alcohol has NO pros (except for wine…)… let’s see what negative effects this vicious drug unleashes upon our body when we have had too much to drink… no.1... I don’t know how… but somehow alcohol actually damages our bones… making it brittle and hard to heal if we get injured… no.2... bad news for men… high alcohol content actually causes a deficiency of testosterone and even preventing ejaculation… after a long period of time… the man would just become infertile and even feminise due to the lack of testosterone… which shrinks the shoulders and expands the pelvis… hence the getting fatter… no.3... When alcohol level reaches .200%… death is possible… this is due to the fact that alcohol stops the brain from sending messages to the lungs and after awhile it just stops… no.4... bad news for women… it has been found that women’s stomach don’t actually metabolise alcohol and goes straight to the liver… where if a man and a woman of the same weight had the same amount of alcohol… the woman would register an alcohol level of 1/3 higher than the man… and so women who drink a lot are more prone to liver disease, heart attack and brain damage… On average… it takes about an hour for the liver to breakdown 1 glass of alcohol… This substance also makes people delusional… Hahaha… neh just playing… but people who are drunk always feel that they are just fine but statistics tell otherwise… alcohol contributes in 50% of murders, 40% of all assaults, 30% of emergency hospital admission, 25% of falls, 30% of drowning, 50% of road accidents and about 1600 alcohol related deaths a year amongst college students… Well now that you know how bad it is to drink and well… just plain drinking alcohol is bad enough… just a sip or 2 will do ei… hahahah… Cheers… ;P
posted by
WanTse @ 8/13/2004 07:40:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
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Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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