Saturday, December 18, 2004 |
Along Oxford Street...
I didn't manage to blog yesterday due to lack of time so this entry is for the day before yesterday... Anyway all we did that day was shop shop shop... and it was damn tiring... the thing is... I need to do some shopping here because I'm quite fat so I can't find sizes in Malaysia... no I'm not afraid to admit it... Anyway... yeah so we went around Oxford Street since it's Christmas sales on... Ended up I bought the least things only 3 items compared to my sisters... Then that night we went over to my sister's friend's apartment for dinner... It was nice... had a few chats... then we had to get home cause we had the wake up early the next day...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/18/2004 08:27:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
See my complete profile
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