Monday, February 28, 2005 |
Calling Romeo
 This book is basically a chick lit… It’s about this girl, Juliet, who has been with Will for over two years but is now beginning to get bored and frustrated about his “selfish tendencies”. On Valentine’s Day, Juliet waits for Will at the restaurant but Will fails to show up (she thought he might have been busy but actually he fell asleep). Angered she goes off with her best friend Trudy to have some drinks. There she meets the dashing and sophisticated Sykes, creative director of a rival company (they both work in advertising). Juliet, attracted to Sykes charm start to develop some feeling for him. And when Sykes invites her to join him on a business trip to Italy, she agrees. While Will mopes around back home in London, Juliet enjoys being pampered by Sykes. However, when Sykes spends time with his friends in Italy, he seemed to be an all together different person. Juliet can’t help but wonder if he really was interested in her or was it just a moment’s pleasure. After returning from the trip, Will seemed rather changed and Juliet ponders her dilemma of which guy to stay with. The ending of this story however isn’t very good. The resolution was just a bit too easy. But other than that the book was filled with a good dose of English humour, romance and a good feel of Juliet’s insecurity. I guess if you are a romantic or a sucker for chick lits you will probably enjoy it… I did… I do actually recommend you read this light hearted book… Cheers… |
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WanTse @ 2/28/2005 11:03:00 am