Judging by the number of shoes... How many people do you think there is... Well this is all the shoes that are in my apartment right now... You can see mine on the top row in the middle photo... Yeap 4 pairs... But I only use 2...
Anyway as I've mentioned... I will be moving out next year... and boy will I miss this place... I mean seriously it's like starting out at 11... you just got no where to go... I'm hoping to find a nice place for next year as well... But most importantly I actually want a place with a nice and large kitchen...   
   The three most comfortable place in Melbourne... Hahaha at least for me... my bedroom, the kitchen and in front of the TV... I absolutely love the kitchen in this apartment... It's LOVERLY!!! It makes me wanna cook... I like NEW kitchens... especially those stainless steel kitchens that are very "in" these days... oh man I want one of those...
 The absolute greatest thing about the apartment is the view... I love going out to the balcony to get some fresh air... wind in my face and the nice view... especially of the park opposite the building...
 Oh and here's the brunch I had today before the first exam for the semester... It's been a long time since I made this... It's like kinda my specialty... ;p Ham, Egg and Hash Sandwich... good stuff man!!! Usually I have it with luncheon meat instead of ham though... Oh man feeling hungry now... You know melancholy is such a weird feeling... sad and happy at the same time... I'm so going to miss the place... Cheers...Labels: random |