Fiona's Cake (Black Forrest)
Oliver, Johan, Julia, Lili, Taz, and Me
Taz, Anna, Kris, Julia, Fiona, Johan, Jun, Jo, Oliver, Me, and Lili
Anna, Taz, and Lili
Kris, Lili, Julia, Johan, and Oliver
Lili, Julia, and Jun
Julia's Cake (Choc Mud Cake)
 Kris and Faisal This entry has been delayed for soooo long... Ok collectively it's both Fiona and Julia's birthday but we went out to celerate Fiona's birthday on 7th October, Saturday which was her actual birthday... it started at home when we surprised her... okay well not really surprised because she kinda walked in without us knowing and totally spoiled it... but we were preparing for her to cut her cake... After dinner we went to 3 degrees in QV for drinks but it closes pretty early so we headed off to flinders lane where we wanted to go to 6 links but they were closed as well... so we just stopped by some random club which was really really small and had loads of really weird people... then we decided to head off to Seven... amazingly... Seven was TOTALLY empty when we got there... which is really weird because it is usually quite packed... and I have to say I was rather dissapointed because the DJ sucked... it wasn't long before we went back home... we got back at around 3 something... And because I had volunteered to help out the Melbourne Marathon with the Rotaract Club and we had to be there by 7 but I had to meet my group members at 6.30... I decided I might as well stay awake because if I slept I wouldn't be able to get up... So I stayed awake...
Sunday was a torture... we were made road marshallss which meant we were each stationed at certain junctions in the road to redirect traffic... which meant we had to deal with angry motorists... and what was worst was that we had to stand there from 7am to 1pm and it was really windy especially since I was stationed in the middle of an alley... the wind was extra strong and it was freezing... It was just all bad...
Anyway... we went out o the 10th, Tuesday to celebrate Julia's birthday which was on the 11th... Had dinner on Lygon and then went back home to cut the cake... I'm so broke now... spending so much money on this two occasions...Labels: activity, O'Connell Residence, Rotaract |