Saturday, February 14, 2004 |
Valentine's Day
"Love is in the air..." Hey hey... it's sweet Valentine's Day... I'm sure you all know the history by now... how it came to be... if you don't know... it's coz in acient Roman times... the Roman men weren't allowed to marry at one time coz the emporer realised they'd make better soldiers if they were single... But this priest (St. Valentine) did the ceremonies anyway... in secret... But after awhile he was exposed and was sentenced to death... but he also was in love with this girl... so before his sentence he wroet her a letter and signed it "From Your Valentine"... so from then on people celebrated Valentine's Day... But nowadays... A lot of people think that Valentine's Day is so commercialised and think it's a waste of time and that if you really love the person everyday should be Valentine's Day... What do you think?! Of course I have never had any real reason to celebrate this occasion but when I was in high school I think maybe form 2 and 3... I bought flowers for my close friends... I have to say that it wasn't cheap... but was in the festive mood right?! Well... personally I think... that even though it is commercialised... it's nice to have a 'special' day to celebrate with the one you love right?! But I think that buying a bouquet of 100 roses... so 'lame' man... It's so much more romantic if it was wild flowers or even just one rose... just the way the guy presents it would make the whole lot difference... So anyway... Happy Valentine's Day... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 2/14/2004 07:00:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
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BComm Undergraduate
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206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
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