Saturday, December 18, 2004 |
Rain On The Canterbury Tales
As I said we had to get up early... it was because we were taking a day trip to Canterbury... we didn't know anything about the place but it sounded nice to my sister so we said ok... When we woke up and got ready it was already raining... we were late so we had to RUN all the way to the station... thank the Lord that it was quite near and we reached just in time... The bus ride took 2 hours and even when we got there... it was still raining and it was getting heavier... the first place we visited was this "attraction" called Canterbury Tales... it's based on this book which tells of a few tales that is based in Canterbury mostly of Medieval times... and it's like a walk through where there are recreated scenes and statues that tells us the story... it's quite fun really... I was quite creeped out at the beginning so I wasn't paying attention... but I enjoyed it the most comparatively to all the other places in Canterbury... then we went to the Roman Museum... this museum is basically an archieological experience of how the Romans used to conquere Canterbury and the how England began... Canterbury was one of the first places in England and most of the history is based there... Oh and before I forget... I must say that if you ever go to Canterbury for a visit... I just want you to know that the museums in Canterbury and London are of totally different standards... hahaha... but it's still really nice... then when we got out it was STILL raining... So we decided to avoid the rain for awhile by going for lunch... we had some really delicious Cornish... much much better than the ones in Malaysia... and we had dessert in Burger King... hahaha... coz it still didn't stop raining... After that we didn't really have a choice whether to go or not coz we were running out of time so we visited some other museums... namely... West Gate Towers and the Museum of Canterbury... by the time we were done it was already 5 and our bus back leaves at 5.50 p.m... even if we wanted to visit some more they were all closed... hahaha... Oh yeah... thankfully by that time... the rain had stopped... and at 5.50 p.m... we headed back for London... Thta's pretty much it... later that night we all watched 'I Capture The Castle' and that's about it... by the way... I high recommend the book 'I Capture The Castle' itself... by Dodie Smith... it's really good... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/18/2004 08:32:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
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House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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