Saturday, April 30, 2005 |
No Life... No Entries... No Downloads!!??!!
Sigh... I guess if anyone has actually even bothered checking my blogs... they would be extremely bored and dissapointed at the amount of time they have been wasting in order to load my page only to find that there has been no new entries since the 19th... Sorry guys... it's just that I really don't know what to blog about since I have nothing interesting going on in my life... I have no social life... and not really a lot of friends here... and practically not interested in doing anything but sit in front of my laptop and watch The O.C. season 2... I'm so totally obsessed with it right now... I remember telling my sister that The O.C. sucks and that it has way too much drama... Well it still has way too much drama but it doesn't suck anymore... hahaha... But I'm like so totally bugging now because the line which I use to download stuff is gone... and I'm afraid it may be gone forever... does that mean no more downloading!!! GASP!!! No it can't be... I feel so sad right now... sob sob... Oh I should ask Vin Li to help me get episode 21!!! Okay... so that's it... Cheers... (Skips off to go find Vin Li...) |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/30/2005 11:10:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
See my complete profile
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 Sleeping Disorder