Wednesday, November 29, 2006 |
Casino Royale
The new bond film... yes what can I say... this installment of the 007 series is actually the beginning of James Bond's life as an MI6 agent... But some things are rather off for one thing 'M' was already in charge in Casino Royale but in Goldeneye she was supposed to be the new head but Goldeneye would have happened after Casino Royale... so I don't know what the deal was... But who cares... also the Bond in this movie was very different from all his predecessors not wearing much of the suit until he was forced to... doesn't drink his usual "vodka martini. shaken, not stirred"... doesn't introduce himself as "Bond. James Bond" until the very end which I guess is supposed to be a statement... and wasn't given and high tech gadgets which I guess is because Q hasn't come into the picture yet... Also this James Bond seemed more impatient and agressive than usual maybe because he is still "young". But nonetheless the opening chase was excellent... much of the credit given to the African prisoner guy that Bond was after... that guy can jump like a tick... Anyway Bond's adventure this time cconsists of stopping a group of terrorist bombers and the people who fund them... and part of it was to compete in a poker tournament... not much cars chasing or blowing up stuff this tme around...
Overall the movie was still good... gives insight onto who James Bond is but is rather confusing considering we've gotten to know Bond as this really charismatic, suave, classy kind of man... I still however do not agree with the choice for the new bond... Daniel Craig just doesn't have the look and charisma... even if he can do the action...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/29/2006 08:16:00 pm
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20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
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