Tuesday, December 21, 2004 |
Ok... so what did I do yesterday... and yesterday meaning 19 December 2004... Firstly we went to the Tower Bridge... walked across it and walked down the bank and walked back to the other side of the river via the London Bridge... yes the one which kept "falling down"... ;P Then we caught a ride to Greenwich... the little town where the Meridian Line is... and yes... there is actually a line... This line as you would have been taught is the line which devides the earth to the 'east' and 'west'... There's really nothing much to do in this town... we just visited the Royal Observatory and walked through the park... that's it... just to see the famous 'line'... Then we went back to grab some dinner... and the funny thing was... we realised that they were having the European Premier of The Aviator starring Leonardo DiCaprio... so we went to join the crowd to catch a glimpse of him... and with some hardwork from my sister who squeezed her way to the front I made it to the second row as well... and after nearly two hours of waiting... I'm so serious about this... he came out AND he stopped to sigh some autographs AND he stopped right in front of me... ahhh!!!! So cool... I'm not a big fan of him but hey how often do you get to see a REAL actor right in front of your face... live... no TV screens... hahaha... He looks just as good as he does on the screens... it was almost surreal... it was weird... and that was basically it... that was the highlight... hahaha... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/21/2004 09:43:00 am
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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