Wednesday, September 29, 2004 |
Malaysian Idol Finals Week 7
This week's theme was songs from movies... and the contestants were required to sing two songs... they sang one in English and one in Malay... anyway... it's still boring and the most shocking thing was Vick's "I Just Can't Wait to Be King" performance... why would anyone choose that song?? Anyway came time for the result... Andrew and Jac were bottom two and unshockingly... Andrew got kicked out... well it was really his time to go I guess... two little too late... sigh... So now it's down to 3... I reckon it will be a all ladies final 2... but who knows... either way... I think I'm keeping both my eyes and ears closed... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 9/29/2004 01:33:00 am
Monday, September 20, 2004 |
Malaysian Idol Finals Week 6
This week's theme was songs from movies of the late Great Tan Sri P. Ramlee... This man is a legend and it was good for the contestants to have a go at it... But I've really lost interest in the program in these few recent weeks... er... about 3 weeks ago... Anyway... the bottom 2 this week were Andrew and Saipul... and the one who got kicked out was Saipul... hahaha... YES!!! Finally... Well... I'm pretty sure next would be Andrew... so yeah... until then... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 9/20/2004 01:38:00 pm
Saturday, September 18, 2004 |
Movies Review
Even if it's trials... I still have a little time to catch a few movies... Ok let's see... Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement... Well overall it didn't have the spark that the previous one had but it's still ok... I give it a 5 of 10... I'm sure you know the story by now... She's 21 and the Genovian laws states that for any women to rule they must be married... So they dive her one month to find a husband or she'll have to give up the throne to the second person in line... which is coincidentally the guy she fell for in her 21st birthday ball... Ah yes... so the journey begins... The movie is still pretty funny but I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone... Next movie... The Terminal... Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones... Love Tom... Hate Catherine... but this movie was pretty good considering it took place in the airport only... how much can you actually do there?? Well watch the movie and you'll know... it tells of this guy (Tom) from Cracosia (or something like that... never heard of it before)... and he went to America for a visit... However he soon finds himself being detained by the immigration officers because it seemed that Cracosia was having a war and the government had suspended all use of passport and the US government had canceled all visas issued to Cracosians to enter US... and him not being to speak English (only a little) was rather confused with everything... he didn't even know his country was in a war... And so he had to live in the airport... waiting and waiting... and in the meantime he does a lot of crazy things and got to know the people who work there and he also met an air stewardess (Catherine)... and he falls for her... blah blah... pretty entertaining story... I give it a 7... Next movie... A Cinderella Story... Hmmm... typical teen chick flick... nothing very special... but I like it cause it doesn't drag anything... the story flows fast and it's staright to the point... it's pretty funny... good for laid back leisure kinda thing... definitely a summer movie... I give it a 6... I think that's it... can't really remember... haha... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 9/18/2004 01:01:00 pm
Monday, September 13, 2004 |
Injustice... Malaysian Idol Finals Week 5
It was R & B week on Malaysian Idol and it wasn't particularly spectacular BUT it was a huge improvement from the week before... However... the biggest shock of the whole competition so far came today during the result show... And the shock is that the bottom three were Jac, Nikki and Saipul... well Saipul wasn't that big of a surprise but the other two were... my my and the person voted off was Nikki... I don't really like Nikki myself but I don't think she's worst than Saipul or Andrew (even though I like Andrew... especially this week coz he looked great...)... I think Nikki was just a victim of lazy voting culture... we don't even bother voting during election... so why would we vote for something like Malaysian Idol especially if we have to pay??!! Well... I'm terribly dissapointed but I guess my opinion doesn't really bother anyone does it... Ah well... C'est La Vie...
posted by
WanTse @ 9/13/2004 12:39:00 am
Saturday, September 11, 2004 |
Budget Plan 2005
The new budget plan is set and it’s good… Everyone is very pleased with the whole plan… well some pleased and some no comments… but I think it was a good move by Pak Lah… prominent increase was for the Civil Servants department… increase in salary and provisions are an extremely yes yes for Malaysia… especially to attract the younger generation to join in the government work force… No one wants to be a teacher or a police officer anymore… Full exemption on entertainment duty as long as performances are approved by the Culture, Arts and Heritage Ministry… Double deduction on expenses for halal certificates and quality systems and standards certificates to help quality control and availability of halal food… And most importantly is increase in ‘sin tax’… tax for cigarettes and alcohol (booze or CH3CH2OH)… I’ve been hoping for this for quite sometime… it’s sad to see my fellow college mates smoking outside the campus and me inhaling all the smoke… thankfully none of them are my friends or at least not anymore… Smoking is a BIG no no for me… A little fact file on smoking and alcohol:
--> Smoking:
- There are 3.8 mil smoker in M’sia
- According to WHO, we smoked 23.7 bil sticks (AHHHH!!!! My lungs are dying… 2nd hand smoker)
- Average of 10 000 M’sians die yearly from smoking
--> Boozing:
- M’sia is the 10th largest consumer (erm… talking about that aren’t Islams not allowed to booze?! This is an Islamic country after all…???)
- 45% of M’sians under 18 are regular boozers
- 30% of road accidents are caused by drinking and driving
Is it just me or are the facts and stats really sad?! I mean if you’re gonna destroy your health do it only when you’re old that way you won’t be wasting your life… Not when you’re 18 right?? Bah humbah!! JUST SAY NO!!!!
posted by
WanTse @ 9/11/2004 11:39:00 pm
Monday, September 06, 2004 |
Malaysian Idol Finals Week 4
Well this week's or rather last week's theme was rock... and for those of you who didn't bother to watch it... I think it's a good call... you would have just wasted your time... Almost all the contestants were terrible and only a few exceptional... and there were only 7 of them... Well anyway... the bottom three were Saipul, Zamil and Andrew... Personally for once I totally agree and the bottom 3... And the person to be voted off was Zamil... I think it was about time for him to go... he can't sing any song but Marc Anthony songs... how sad... he attempted Hoobastank's The Reason but he sounded awful and even after the result show he was still bad unlike what the hosts say... I'm sure they are trying to be nice... but what the contestants need is the truth not empty praises... Sad sad... ah well... If Malaysian Idol is still running when I get back from Uni (hopefully I get where I want)... I will take a shot at it... hopefully by then they would have really found talent... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 9/06/2004 09:28:00 pm
Saturday, September 04, 2004 |
We should NOT settle for mediocrity... and the TRUTH about our DNA...
Now that the Olympic Games are over… the sports hype in Malaysia has all about died down except for the football fans as Schumi has already won the F1 championship… And I’m pretty sure everyone in the world is aware of Malaysia’s poor stint in this year’s Olys… Actually it is the second Oly in a row that we have came back empty handed… I read a very truthful article in the NST yesterday and I totally agree with what Datuk Seih Kok Chi our Olympic Council of Malaysia’s secretary said… He basically said that we are rewarding our athletes too easily… rewarding them for their mediocre achievements… He said: “When an athlete ends a long wait for a gold medal in a certain event, money, cars and even land are bestowed on him but we forgot to see the time or distance he won his event in. This leads to athletes being content to excel at the Sea Games level or even at Malaysian Games level as the rewards are already lucrative.” Last year, our sprinter Nazmizan Muhannad was rewarded for his 100m-200m double… but was it worth the reward?? His 100m sprint clocked a time of 10.40s… Even the slowest Olympic sprinter runs faster than that… According to Datuk Seih, the rewarding system should be changed to something like rewarding the athlete when he improves… In addition… there seems to be a decline in sports interest… and people are calling for the government and schools to do something about it… the truth is… well this is what I think anyway… that firstly Malaysian families in general are VERY academic orientated… parents expect their children to excel in their studies and except them to study day and night… and now they are expecting their children to become sports prodigies as well… is it not a bit TOO much to ask for?? Also… schools are not properly equipped with sporting equipment and facilities… and not forgetting trained staff… teachers are train to teach not to coach… they do not have the knowledge of how to improve students sporting abilities… Well then what about clubs and associations outside school that have former international athletes?? Personally I think these clubs do not properly publicise themselves and thus no one actually knows who they are and where to find them… and lastly one MAJOR factor is that… sports does not pay as much as other industries in Malaysia… even selling ‘Char Kuey Teow’ in a hawker stall in Malaysia is better than becoming an athlete especially if you are a non-bumi (I don’t mean to be racist but it is a fact…)… But I think we can really do something about it if we really wanted to… I think Malaysians just don’t have the drive to excel in sports… I think firstly… schools should have trained staff to develop the potential athletes or at least know who to recommend these potential athletes to… instead of just keeping silent and letting them compete in school level only… Next… the national sports association or committees should send talent scout frequently all over the country to look for talent… they are bound to find some… but just in case they do not find all… they should have some kind of annual national tryouts… it’s not easy but it definitely CAN be done and they really should because some people really don’t get noticed even if they are talented… I personally think that there are people who are just unfortunate that they do not compete enough in competitions to be noticed but they have the talent… and if that fails… the non-governmental sports committees or clubs run by ex-internationals… should promote themselves more widely so people know where to find them… But seriously… I myself love sports and always get really disappointed when our national athletes do soooooooo badly… and why don’t they give scholarships to talented youths?? The government is so keen on giving away scholarships to students who “so-called” excel… why don’t they invest some money in young athletes… send them overseas to be trained instead of the older athletes… as they say… ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’… Another very sad thing going on is the Malaysian Idol… yesterday’s performances was disgraceful… the theme was ‘Rock’… note it is rock NOT rock and roll… I don’t understand how they can choose such a weird theme… even if you have a good voice doesn’t mean you can sing rock… you need a unique voice… but usually rock can’t pop and pop can’t rock… and anyway isn’t the Idol show based on pop-ish style?? But seriously can’t they pick something more interesting like big band, swing, jazz, Broadway or based a some great songwriter… more like the A Idol… Furthermore… the producer should make the idol contestants do their research before they sing… they seem to not know much about music at all… they always pick the newer song in the music scene or those which are really famous… it’s terrible… Anyway… on to the next topic… I was watching some tech program yesterday and they were talking to a scientist from the Human Genome Project… according to the guy… it seems that only about 1% of our genome (DNA) has our genes… others are just “stuff”… which they have not found out why they are there yet… supposedly… about a billion years ago… our ancestors were infected with the DNA parasite where it clings on to your DNA and just multiplies itself… Thus… more than 50% of our genes are not actually ours… it’s theirs… how odd is that??? Maybe that’s what caused evolution… and we’ll mutate into weird creatures in the next millennium… no panic… I’m just crapping here… hehehe… Cheers…
posted by
WanTse @ 9/04/2004 04:56:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
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Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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