Monday, November 22, 2004 |
Bored?? Play Some Games...
Hey people... feeling bored??? Why not play some games from the arcade below??? Don't worry you can play it online and it has no viruses... Hahaha!!!
posted by
WanTse @ 11/22/2004 09:52:00 pm
Sunday, November 21, 2004 |
Visual Recap...
Here are some photos that have been taken throughout the year with my camera or phone... the phone ones aren't very clear... lousy Nokia cameras... anyway... I've only got a few... wish I had taken more...
posted by
WanTse @ 11/21/2004 11:32:00 am
Full House!!!!!

I've just finished my favourite EVER Korean series... Full House starring Bi (Rain), Song Hye Kyo and Kim Sung Soo...!!!!This series is about a girl who has lived in the house built by her father (Full House) since she was born, Han Ji-Eun (Song Hye Kyo) and a famous actor, Lee Young-Jae (Bi). One day, Ji_Eun went on a trip to China and met Young-Jae on the plane. A series of incident between them on the plane (including her vomiting on him) caused Young-Jae to despise Ji-Eun. By chance they also stayed at the same hotel. When Ji-Eun tries to check-in to the hotel with her limited English skills, she met Yoo Min-Hyuk, Young-Jae’s long time friend. After sometime in China, Ji-Eun found that she had no money left and she couldn’t find anyone she knew, so she decided to seek the help of Young-Jae. However, Young-Jae wanted nothing to do with her. But after he found out that Ji-Eun knew Min-Hyuk, he decided to help. After she got back from China, Ji-Eun found out that her two ‘best-friends’ had sold her house and ran off with the money and also applied for a credit card under her name, so technically she was broke. The worst part was that the house was bought by Young-Jae!!!!!! Problems start to arise when Ji-Eun refused to leave because she believes that the house was still rightfully hers. But Young-Jae kicked her out of the house. Being the a determined person, Ji-Eun sleeps outside the house and fell in. Young-Jae find hers lying in front of the house the next day, took her in and looked after her till she got better. They later made a deal that she was to work was his housekeeper to pay off the debts she owed him and in return she got to live in the house. In Young-Jae’s prespective, he found out that ‘the love of his life’ which he had a crush on since 9 years-old, Kang Hye-Won, was about to leave for New York to study. So he decided to propose to her. However, Hye-Won only liked him as a friend, instead she likes Min-Hyuk. On the night of the proposal, Young-Jae got everything set but Hye-Won got a call from Min-Hyuk in the middle of the meal and decided to leave. Young-Jae became heartbroken. The next day or so, Young-Jae attended a party and Ji-Eun followed along. At the party, things got heated up when Min-Hyuk told Hye-Won that he didn’t like her that way and that she didn’t really love him, she only wanted to posses him. Instead he told her that Young-Jae likes her a lot. Hye-Won got the wrong idea and confronted Young-Jae. In the heat of rage, Young-Jae pretended to confess his love for Ji-Eun and kissed her. This news made headlines. Young-Jae and Ji-Eun then made a pack to have a contract marriage for 6 months whereby after that they will divorce and she will get a share of money and the Full House back. The next day, the announced their engagement. When Young-Jae’s family found out, they called Ji-Eun over. It seems that Young-Jae does not contact his family very often after he dropped out of medical school and left home to pursue his acting career which caused him to have a row with his father. After their marriage, Ji-Eun and Young-Jae went to Thailand for their honeymoon. There, they had a few light moments together showing the softer side of Young-Jea. When they got back, Young-Jae teaches Ji-Eun how to ride the bike, one of the highlights of their relationship. However, Ji-Eun was still treated like a maid by Young-Jae. He enjoyed teasing her, calling her names and forcing her to do all the house cleaning. In the mean time, Young-Jae continued to meet up with Hye-Won, whom he always has his mind on. After awhile Ji-Eun managed to track down the two friends who stole her money and every time she ran away because of Young-Jae’s bad treatment, she would go to their place. Her two friends however only had money on their minds and after they found out that Ji-Eun’s marriage to young-Jae was by contract, they threatened to reveal it to the press. Luckily, Ji-Eun manages to counter the threat by telling them that she would report that they stole her money to the police. So instead they compromised and Young-Jae helped the guy (the two friends are husband and wife) to get a job in his management agency. Ji-Eun also managed to get a sypnosis writing job at Min-Hyuk’s company (Min-Hyuk is a big time publicity/entertainment company owner). On Ji-Eun’s birthday, Ji-Eun mentions that she wanted to visit Magicland (a famous amusement park in South Korea). Overhearing that, Young-Jae decided to surprise her there. However because Ji-Eun went out with Min-Hyuk instead, she did not go to Magicland. Instead Young-Jae was chased around by a mob of fans there. However, they managed to go to Magicland that might and snuck in to the ice-skating ring where they had another fun moment together. The first turning point of the story was when, Hye-Won fell sick and was admitted to the hospital. When Young-Jae got the news, he rushed to the hospital and frantically searched for her. When he found her, he held her hand tightly. When Ji-Eun saw this, she felt a small heartache and then she realised that she had fallen for Young-Jae. Of course she didn’t mention anything to him, but she tried her best to win him over. But it wasn’t very successful. Then Ji-Eun decided to tell him that she really likes him but he took it was a joke and she didn’t dare say anything else to convince him. Because of work, Ji-Eun and Min-Hyuk always met, talked and had meals together. But what she didn’t know was that he always made time for her was because he really liked her and one day he decided to tell her that. He asked her if she would give him a chance. Then came another turning point. Young-Jae realised that he was jealous and didn’t want Min-Hyuk and Ji-Eun to be together. He tries to convince Ji-Eun not to see him but Ji-Eun didn’t believe him. Also, Ji-Eun grew closer and closer to Young-Jae’s family and she really grew on them as well. As a last ditch of attempt to get Min-Hyuk to stay away from Ji-Eun, Young-Jae tried to convince Min-Hyuk that Ji-Eun was pregnant. However it didn’t go well and instead Min-Hyuk found out that their marriage was fake. The nest turning point was when Young-Jae wanted to make up for being so bad to Ji-Eun, he invited her out for dinner. But before he got there he got a call from Hye-Won and decided to go to her instead. That night he did not return home and only returned in the morning. Ji-Eun waited all night for him. Because Young-Jae is always so stuborn and proud, he did not want to apologise and instead broke Ji-Eun’s heart without knowing it. She runs away only to be found by Min-Hyuk in the pouring rain. Ji-Eun fell sick again and this time it was Min-Hyuk who took care of her. But being a good friend, he called Young-Jae and told her she was with him and warned him that because he was treating Ji-eun so badly, he was going to take Ji-Eun away from him for good. Young-Jae was furious with that and stormed over to Min-Hyuk’s and took Ji-Eun back to the house. From then on it was like a tug-of-war love between the four of them, Ji-Eun likes Young-Jae, Young-Jae doesn’t know who he likes, Hye-Won know likes Young-Jae and Min-Hyuk likes Ji-Eun. But when, Ji-Eun was forced to make a drastic decision, she decides to ask Young-Jae for a divorce because she did not want to be hurt anymore and he wanted what she thought Young-Jae wanted. Then Ji-Eun finds out that Young-Jae’s acting career is going down the drain because of all the ‘scandals’ of him and both girls and his manager told her to stay with him for the mean time. So she decides to ask Young-Jae to reconsider. From then, Young-Jae decided that he wanted to take care of Ji-Eun. But suddenly another turn of events made him change his mind and he decides to go back to Hye-Won (I think it’s because he knew Hye-Won was too weak and she might get hurt, so he wanted to stop that from happening and instead ‘sacrifices’ Ji-Eun). However, Ji-Eun still refused to give up on Young-Jae so he pretends to treat her like dirt so that she will lose hope of him. Ji-Eun counters his bad treatment by going on a trip to Venice with Min-Hyuk. Young-Jae gets sad but didn’t want to tell her that. Instead, the day she left he kept thinking about her so much that he called Hye-Won, Ji-Eun. Hye-Won realised then that Young-Jae was really in love with Ji-Eun and there’s no use trying to separate them. At the last minute, Ji-Eun decides not to go with Min-Hyuk after all and being the gentlemen that he is, Min-Hyuk didn’t go either and took Ji-Eun back. When Young-Jae got back, he saw Min-Hyuk putting his hand on Ji-Eun’s shoulder. He got jealous and started scolding Ji-Eun. But then everything goes wrong when another scandal about Young-Jae breaks out. This time it was that Ji-Eun married Young-Jae for money. Drastic situations calls for drastic measures. Young-Jae schedules a press conference to explain his situation. He told everyone that he was giving Ji-Eun a divorce because of a girl he loved but he did not disclose who the girl was (it was Ji-Eun). After that, Young-Jae went to the mountains to become a novice monk (no he did not cut his hair, just there to learn about peace of mind). And also, Min-Hyuk proposed to Ji-Eun but she didn’t want to except his proposal saying she hasn’t been divorce for that long. Min-Hyuk told her he will wait. Everyone wanted Young-Jae to come back down from the mountain and so they used all kinds of excuses and told him that Ji-Eun was sick. He finally budged and came back to the house. They were obviously still very much in love with each other and so Young-Jae finally summons enough courage to tell Ji-Eun that he loves her very much. And so it was like any other fairy tale. Happily ever after kind of ending. Young-Jae got back on track with his acting when he acted with Ji-Eun in the screenplay that she wrote about their relationship called “The Maid and I”. They were such a happy couple after that!!! The end!!!
Seriously... on of the best Korean series I've seem so far... it's a great romatic comedy... Not too long and draggy... Hilarious at times... plus Bi and Hye Kyo are so cute together and Sung Soo is hot!!!! Hahahaha!!!! Watch it if you get the chance... Cheers!!
Note: ...Full House Continued... Please read on... |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/21/2004 02:57:00 am
Saturday, November 20, 2004 |
I'm Back Baby!!!!
Hey hey!!!! I'm back!!!! Finals are long gone and even the Corrobborree is over... I think that's how you spell it... can't be sure... Anyway... yeah so 1st of all I would just like to say "thanks a lot" to SSABSA for setting such DIFFICULT PAPAERS for the year I'm sitting for it's exam!!! Damn man!!! Okay whatever... next on to the 'prom'... technically it's not a prom... it's a 'graduation dinner' but everyone calls it a prom... what the heck lar... For those who missed it... well... they didn't miss a lot on the food... but they did miss the fun!!!! It was rather boring yes... especially the boring entertainment... BUT... hanging out with your friends who are all dressed so nicely and taking photos... basically that was all we did really... but it was still a blast... would have been more fun if the whole class was sitting together though... Hopefully we will get another chance to do something like this together... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 11/20/2004 10:45:00 pm
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 |
This Morning...
Ok well I was on my way to college to study in the library wehn I noticed a police car hidden away from normal view from the highway... It was particularly jam this morning so everyone was driving on the restricted lanes and they didn't even notice the cops... I was impressed by the cops... Anyway... on the radio I was lstening to... the topic of conversation for the day was about shopping and who's the boss... I guess it's pretty obvious who's the boss when it comes to shopping isn't it... It's women of course... personally I'm not much of a shopper... However I do like to look at sneakers, handphones, books, CDs, VCDs, DVDs, mp3 players... stuff like that... never buy them though... so I guess I much more of a window shopper... I find it amusing however that whenever I go out with my friends... they usually have the urge to try on everything... and go into every shop... well almost every shop... they tend to stay away from the shops I would like to go into... my current batch of friends however are also different... they like to stop for food... and they really eat a lot when we go out... Yes... how perculiar... As for the guys... they usually just follow along at the begining but start to drift off somewhere on their own after awhile... Anyway there was this guy who called in and said he didn't mind his girlfriend shopping because it's to beutify herself... all for the love... I like the fact that he didn't mind... but not as impressed about the reason... Is he trying to imply that it's about vanity??? I really don't like the way some guys think of girls... I think over the years... women's vanity is the creation of men's preception of a women... After watching Before Sunrise... I started to think about what the girls said... Maybe Feminism was started by guys just so they can have their way... Ahhh who knows... don't mean to be starting any conflict here... just a thought... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 11/09/2004 12:11:00 pm
Monday, November 08, 2004 |
Middle Of Examination... Bored... Tired...
Ok... so I'm mid way through my Finals... the most important exam I've sat for sp far, since I was born... and I've got the time to make an entry...??!! Hmmm... well I'm bored out of my mind... I've gone through my English, Physics and Mathematical Studies papers... and the two left are Chemistry and Specialist Mathematics... yes... they are as intimidating as they sound... and they are also my weakest subjects... so far the papers have been rather difficult compared to those of the previous years... I can't believe it either... the last year of the syllabus and they are killing us... Hopefully I'm not the only one struggling... Not struggling actually but... you know... just the same... I'm really worried about the exams really... sigh but I'm also so tired... after the first week... I'm totally out of the exam mood already... Keep thinking about what I'm going to do after the exams... sigh... Okay well... Got to go back to studying... Wish the rest of the people around the world who are "suffering" as well... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 11/08/2004 04:45:00 pm
Wednesday, November 03, 2004 |
Whose "Fat" Is It??!!
Okay… so I’ve just watched this movie/documentary called “Super Size Me”… For those of you who don’t know what that means… in US, fast food chains have developed this system called ‘super size it’… where they increase the size of your portion to an almost ridiculous size… seriously… So the show is about this guy who plans to do an experiment where he eats only McDonalds for the whole month… psycho!!! And this movie basically talks about the role that fast foods play in the increasing rate of the obesity epidemic… currently obesity is the second highest cause of preventable death in US after smoking… but at the rate people are “growing”… experts predict that it will soon take over as no.1!! Well… remember the news about this two American teens who tried to sue McDs for causing their morbid obesity… well… what do you think?? Should fast food companies take the blame for the increasing rate of obesity in our society?? Let’s see… well… they are partly to blame I guess because why do they have to serve such delicious yet extremely unhealthy food??!?! Damn!!! Then again… people should just resist the temptation to chew on a Big Mac or some fries… only pampering themselves once every two weeks or so… Then again even if we eat a relatively large amount of fast food… wouldn’t exercise keep us stable?? But who has the time anyway ;P!!! Hmmm… who else is to blame… well I guess that we have just basically ourselves to blame… I think mostly those who are overweight or obese can afford to be… you don’t see much obese people in Africa or Middle East… the fact that we’d rather spend so much of our money on junk food rather than invest it in something more beneficial… Furthermore… the way of cooking these days are just so unhealthy and the ingredients as well… I think time factor is another problem… people these days are just so busy sometimes they can’t even sit still for a proper meal and so eating out and eating fast is the key… but the only way to get food quickly is fast food of course… and it’s relatively cheaper than dining in a restaurant where they have proper food… even worst this culture is being implanted in the younger generation and will be past on and on… it’s really bad… Actually what I think is that food stimulates your brain and makes you feel better… delicious food anyway… there was one research where they tested a certain hormone in chocoholics… they found that if they stopped the hormone… the people will not be interested in chocolates anymore… it’s addiction…!!!! Such a terrible thing… This is such a complex issue… Sigh… Well anyway if you get the chance watch the movie... it's an eye opener!!! Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 11/03/2004 04:38:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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