Saturday, January 29, 2005 |
Angels & Demons
Another great book by Dan Brown featuring Robert Langdon. It's rather ironic that in The da Vinci Code, Robert Langdon was helping the Church's opposition but in this book he is helping the Church. And he has a new female lead... sorta like James Bond but with a higher IQ and less action... hahaha... This time, it's about a professor/priest who discovered a way to prove the theory of big bang and how God plays part in it, fusing science and spirituality, who was murdered and one of his creation (anti-matter) was stolen and is now on the verge of explosion. Robert and Vittoria Vetra (the female lead, daughter of the professor/priest guy) go to Vetican City to find this anti-matter only to find a whole big scandal behind it. Comparing this book and the other I would say The Dan Vinci Code is slightly more interesting because of all the connection between artwork and Christianity and all that, but in this one it's basically about the Illuminati (you know the one in the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) and a poem. The phrase "Let angels guide you on your lofty quest" repeats over and over. But none-the-less... it's still a good book... so read it... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 1/29/2005 02:20:00 pm
Thursday, January 27, 2005 |
The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown is a genius... or at least I dare say... The details of the whole mystery is so well researched and written, it's almost perfect. This is one book I cannot tell you the story because you HAVE to read it. Initially I thought it would be difficult to understand but I was wrong. Everything you need to know is explained in the book. The story gives you excitement and keeps you on the edge of your seat and the book glued to your hands and your eyes glued to the book!! One of my favourite books, definitely. Bravo!! Please... you've really got to read it if you haven't yet!! Or maybe you would rather wait for the movie to come out. It will star Tom Hanks as the leading man Robert Langdon, Audrey Tautou (who starred in French movies Amelie and current A Very Long Engagement) plays eading lady Sophie Neveu and Jean Reno (who starred in one of my favourite movies Wasabi) plays Captain Bezu Fache, due to be released in 2006. But I still recommend you to read the book... Cheers!!
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WanTse @ 1/27/2005 08:03:00 pm
This movie stars Jude Law, Julia Roberts and Natalie Portman. I won't talk much about it because it's rather a SX18 subject but it's basically about attraction, love, scandals, heartbreak, pain, revenge and sex rolled into one. A movie meant for the relatively older generation... I would say 18 above... But it's a good movie... I do recommend it... after all Natalie Portman who plays a young stripper in love with Daniel (Law) won an award for it... Cheers...
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WanTse @ 1/27/2005 07:23:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 11: The Grim Grotto
Count Olaf's Diguise: None
Situation: The Baudelaires were saved by Captain Widdershins, captain of the Queequeg submarine and member of V.F.D. The mission of the Queequeg was to find the "Sugarbowl" which was in an unknown destination but they had to find it before Count Olaf does because that was the only thing standing in the way of Count Olaf and triumph over V.F.D. After much research, they decided to head towards the Gorgonian Grotto. But when they got there, the found that the place was nfested with Medusoid Mycelium, the most poisonous fungus in the world. But it was too late, it had started to infect Sunny and it was a race against time to get back to the Queequag. When they got back, they got even more bad news. The were now captured by Count Olaf and time was running out for Sunny...
Ending: For the first time, a good one
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WanTse @ 1/27/2005 05:47:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 10: The Slippery Slope
Count Olaf's Disguise: None
Situation: The Baudelaires are now seperated as Sunny was kidnapped by Count Olaf and taken up to V.F.D (Valley Of Four Drafts), while Violet and Klaus were left to die. But of course they manage to get out. But because of snow gnats (insects that sting), they had to take refuge in a cave, only to find out they were not alone. In the cave were a group of Snow Scouts were camping and one of the more prominent scouts was non other than Carmelita Spats the girl that had made the Baudelaires' lives miserable during their time in Prufrock Preparatory School. They later meet a mysterious person within the group of scouts who turned out to be Quigley Quagmire, the third of the Quagmire triplets who was supposed to be killed in a fire. Their mission now is to rescue Sunny and find out where on earth was the V.F.D headquaters to seek refuge...
Ending: A bad one
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WanTse @ 1/27/2005 05:31:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 9: The Carnivorous Carnival
Count Olaf's Diguise: None
Situation: In order to escape, the Baudelaire children had no choice but to hide in Count Olaf's car trunk. Now they had arrived in Caligari Carnival. This is the home of Count Olaf's resource to find everything he wanted, a gypsy named Madame Lulu. In order to find out more, the children dressed up like freaks so that they could work in Madame Lulu's House Of Freaks. Violet and Klaus dressed up to be a two-headed person and Sunny was a wolf-baby. They later find out that they wee in over their heads because they were to be fed to lions as part of the new act in Caligari Carnival. In fact, Count Olaf already knew it was them and had planned this...
Ending: A bad one
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WanTse @ 1/27/2005 05:20:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 8: The Hostile Hospital
Count Olaf's Disguise: Mattathias (The director of Heimlich Hospital)
Situation: The Baudelaire children are now on the run, wanted by almost everyone in the country. They hitch hike with a volunteer group V.F.D (Volunteers Fighting Disease) whom had the weirdest mottos like "No News Is Good News" and their way of fighting disease is singing and handing out heart-shaped balloons. When they get to Heimlich Hospital, they were stationed to work at the hospital's library of records. They find out that there is actually a file about them and set out to find it. As it turns out, the file had been taken away, all except the last page, page 13 which hints of a survivor in a fire. However, Violet gets caught by Esme Squalor, Count Olafs girlfriend. She was given a fake name and set to have a cranioectomy, the world's first ever. So Klaus and Sunny has to find a way to get her out...
Ending: A rather bad one
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WanTse @ 1/27/2005 05:15:00 pm
Saturday, January 22, 2005 |
Starring Jennifer Garner, Elektra as you would have known if you have watched Daredevil (which they had banned in Malaysia but I watched it anyway), is a comic character. For comparison, Elektra's plot and storyline was not as good as Daredevil but the movie overall was better, for me at least. I definitely enjoyed Elektra more. Back to the movie, the storyline lacked depth and energy... The introduction was too long, limiting the time for action and thrill... which I want more of... though it's much better than Spiderman to me... I'm not too big of a fan of that movie... which I also thought the intro just just way too long... Anyway... I think the best thing about the movie was Elektra or rather Jeniffer Garner... who played her role well... and she was... well HOT... hahaha... her outfit made her look cool... but Garner has a really weird walk... I think it's all the training for Alias and all these action movies... hahaha... as for the other actors... they didn't actually have to do much... just a bit here and there... easy stuff... the only other person who had to do some major acting was the bad guy who was after the good guys... mostly action though and yeah that's it... So what's the movie about... Elektra is an assasin for hire and is the best... she was trained by the best but because she only had hate and violence in her mind they had to "let her go". Now (quite sometime later), she is given a new target, a man and his daughter. But before she knew she had to kill them, she got to know them and the conflict between personal and business starts to roam aound in her mind. No, she did not hae the heart to kill them. In fact she ends up protecting them and saving them from the bad guys. Yeah there are more bad guys after them. It turns out later that she was hired by her old sensei... a wise, blind and powerful old man, a master in the art of ninjutsu... and the girl that was initially her target was the "The Treasure"... legend to bring a balance between good and evil (yes just like Anakin Skywalker)... and "The Treasure" exists every generation and every generation, the good and evil will battle to get hold of her (yes, it's always a her). Anyway, the story behind this movie is basically about self-discovery and you should look deep inside and of course the classic "good thriumps over evil"... I say... watch it... Jennifer is worth it... hahahaha... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 1/22/2005 07:25:00 pm
Friday, January 21, 2005 |
My Laptop Desktop
This is my desktop... so far anyway... enjoying my laptop very much... ;P
posted by
WanTse @ 1/21/2005 02:01:00 am
Saturday, January 15, 2005 |
The Notebook
Based on a Nicholas Sparks novel, this movie, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, is about an old man who reads to a woman to help her remember her past. She suffers from a disease known as dementia where mental abilities decline especially memory. The story of her life begins in North Carolina where rich city girl Allie spends is spending her summer holiday. She meets Noah, a poor country boy, who ha fallen in love ith her at first sight. Initially she rather dislikes the guy but ends up falling for him as well. Soon they became inseperable, spending every waking moment with each other. They were two very different people. They were so different that they argued a lot but the on thing they had in common kept them together, the were madly in love. This start to change however when one day, Allie's father invites Noah over and was introduced to the family. Allie's mother dislkes Noah the most because she only wanted the best for Allie and Noah is defnitely not. One night, the couple lost track of time and Alle's parents were enraged. Noah overhearing the shouting match between Allie and her parents decides to the thing he thought best for her and told her that since she was going, it'll never last. The next day, her parents took her away, back to the city and she couldn't find Noah. She told his best friend to tell him that she loves him. When Noah got back, she was gone. He wrote to her every day for one year but her mother kept her letters, so she never got any. Noah later joins the army during World War II. Allie volunteers as a nurse and she meets a soldier who was persistantly wooing her even though he was hurt so badly that he was totally wrapped in plasters. But after he recovered,they started going out, fell in love and got engaged. Noah on the other hand came back from the war just fine and with the aid of money from the government and his father, he bought his dream house, the one which he promised to fix up for Allie. Then by chance, he sees Allie again, but he sees her with her fiancee and he became heart broken. He put up the house for sale but always found an excuse not to sell it. One day, Allie sees the advertisement he put up with a picture of him and the house, and she decides to go see him. She later finds out that he never gave up on her and they were still obviously in love with her. In the end she decided to go back to Noah... This is when the old woman came to remember her life and she recognised the man reading to her as Noah.They spend a few minutes together but then she lost her memory again. It was heartbreaking for Noah who really did not want to give up on her. One night he went to visit her in her room and by some miracle, she recognised him. The next day, the nurse in charge of looking after Allie find the two together, hand held and dead, together. It's quite a touching story really. A true love story. The movie itself was quite good, not too boring. I recommend you watch it if you are a romantic or love love stories... Cheers...
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WanTse @ 1/15/2005 12:10:00 pm
Wednesday, January 12, 2005 |
All Aboard The Polar Express
I'm sure most of you have heard about this film already... and I'm actually pretty slow... I had been meaning to watch it ever since I got back from London but I didn't have the time... Anyway... this animated movie stars Tom Hanks and the great thing about the movie is that even though it is animated, the guy looks exactly like Tom Hanks... hahahaha!!! So what's the movie about? It's about this little boy who had a serious dilemma whether or not to still believe in Christmas... On Christmas eve, the little boy awoke to some rustling sound thinking it was santa but he soon finds himself getting about The Polar Express, a train that goes to the North Pole... on the way there the magical train gets into some trouble but of course they manage to get pass these troubles and get safely to the North Pole. The other children on The Polar Express were brought there as a lesson for all their doubts and morality. Anyway, the little boy finds himself believing again and in the end he meets Santa... I think the movie has a good soundtrack and is itself a good Christmas movie... Nice and simple with a simple message as well... simple but very original... but all in all it's quite a good animated movie... My recommedation is to watch it for Christmas only... Cheers...
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WanTse @ 1/12/2005 11:05:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 7: The Vile Village
Count Olaf's Disguise: Detective Dupin
Situation: The children go off to V.F.D (Village Of Fowl Devotees) where the aphorism is "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child". They picked to go to the village because V.F.D was the last clue the Quagmire triplets have left for the Baudelaire children. However this crazy village was run by a coucil of elders and they force the children to do horrible chores for the WHOLE town. As they had hoped, they indeed started getting clues of where the Quagmire triplets were. Everyday they would get a coupling written by Isadora Quagmire leaving them clues of where to find the Quagmires. One day, there news of the capture of Count Olaf. However, it turned out that this man was not Count Olaf but he had the same distinct one eye brow and a tattoo of an eye on his left ankle. It turns out that the man knew the Baudelaire parents but could not get the message to the children before he was murdered. Then with the arrival of Detective Dupin, the children were accused of killing the mystery man and were thrown in jail. Luckily, the children managed to escape and found their friends. It wasn't before long that the village found out and caught up with the children. The Quagmires managed to get away but not the Baudelaires. But by a stroke of luck, Count Olaf's identity was revealed...
Ending: A bad one
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WanTse @ 1/12/2005 06:00:00 pm
Tuesday, January 11, 2005 |
The Aviator
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett and Kate Beckinsale, directed by Martin Scorsese. Howard Hughes (DiCaprio) is an eccentric billionaire indutrialist and hollywood film mogul, and is also a playboy. He became a millionaire at only 18 years. This is basically a biopic of Howard Hughes. It starts off showing Hughes as a visionary and genius who redefined film malking and aviation. But there is one thing seriously wrong with him, he is an obsessive germaphobe. He dreams of the fastest, biggest, craziest aircraft and spends every cent of his money making them come true. And because of all these obsessions, the general public view him as a lunatic and he becomes a laughing stork. This is even more so after the war ended and his planes became of no use. During the test flight, the plane crashed and he was seriously injured, physically, financially and worst of all mentally. After that, the US government unleashes a lawsuit against him, claiming that he cheated the government and the people of 56 million dollars because he did not delivered any functional one. The truth was that the senator in charge was 'bribed' by the owner of Pam Am the biggest aviation company at the time. With his wit in his hand and also 'evidance' against the senator's biasness he some what won the trial. It seemed like things have taken a turn for the better especially after his greatest creation the 'Hercules', the biggest aircraft ever made at the time managed to take flight. But in the end, he still went mad. The movie itself was not bad, I'm not too big a fan of biopics. But the actors gave a good performance. I personally think Leonardo DiCaprio gave an outstanding performance like he often does even though I don't really like him all that much and Cate Blanchett did a great work as Katherine Hepburn. Overall I rate this a good movie, most probably an award winning one. Watch it but I won't guarantee that you'll like it... Cheers...
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WanTse @ 1/11/2005 11:47:00 pm
National Treasure
A Disney production and seems to be not very popular among the poeple... Starring Nicholas Cage, Harvey Keitel, Jon Voight, Diane Kruger, Sean Bean and Justin Bartha. Anyway, the story is about a legend about a huge pile of hidden treasure which was guarded by a secret society whose members, over the years, included the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. This secret was passed down to the Gates family and the current youngest generation was Benjamin Franklin Gates (Cage). He was told the legend when he was a young boy by his grandfather. Ever since he was obsessed or passionate as he would like to call it, about finding this treasure... Many years later, he sets out to find the first clue, "The Secret Lies Within Charlotte"... He teams up with Ian Howe (Bean) a rich man with lots of resources. But after they find the next clue which involves the Declaration of Independace,Benjamin decides to pull out but Ian refused to. This lead to Ian trying to kill Benjamin. Thankfully but not surprisingly, Benjamin survives, otherwise the movie would just end there. Anyway, in order to stop Ian, Benjamin's only choice was to steal the declaration. Actually it was his only choice because everyone else with the power to stop it did not want to listen mainly because they thought he was a lunatic. Anyway, he did manage to get it but unfortunately the declaration came with some trouble, in the form of Dr. Abigail Chase, the person in charge of the museum ni which the declaration was stored. Anyway, from one clue to another, Benjamin manages to get ahead of Ian, until of course the time when the evil guy always manages to get the good guy. Anyway, Benjamin was captured by the FBI but they made a deal where he helps them capture Ian first. However, he manages to get away and reunite with his assistant and Dr. Chase whom had join their alliance and also had obviously fallen for him. But still the bad guys have the upper hand since they had capture Benjamin's father. After that they were brought to the last place, the resting place of the treasure. When they got there, however, they met with a dead end. Beliving that Benjamin had the next clue, Ian forced him to tell him where the treasure really was. Benjamin and his father manages to trick them and after they supposedly left the good guys to die, Benjamin and his crew finds the treasure. Well in the end, being the good guy of course, they believe that the treasure should not be owned by any one man and so they decided that the best way was to spilt it to their respective countries, where the treasure were claimed and put them on display. They of course got their share as well and Benjamin being the leading man, naturally got the girl. The end. Well it was an ok story. Quite cool the way they made all the things that already exists into clue that lead to the treasure... but the movie itself wasn't that entertaining... I would say watch it if you have time but don't waste your money if you don't like The Mummy. It's not nearly as exciting... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 1/11/2005 06:59:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 6: The Ersatz Elevator
Count Olaf's Disguise: Gunther (An 'In' auctioneer)
Situation: The children are again in the care of new guardians, Jerome and Esme Squalor (Jerome was a friend of their mother's). The couple was rich. The lived in a penthouse with 71 bedrooms and an assortment of other rooms like living rooms, sitting rooms, standiong rooms, dining rooms, breakfast rooms, snack rooms, ballrooms, bath rooms, kitchens and rooms with no use at all. Count Olaf appears as the autioneer in charge of the 'In' auction' annually held by Esme Squalor. The plan was not reallyaimed at the Baudelaire children but rather to smuggle their good friends, the Quagmire triplets that he had kidnapped when they were at boarding school...
Ending: A bad one
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WanTse @ 1/11/2005 04:38:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 5: The Austere Academy
Count Olaf's Disguise: Coach Genghis (A coach in Prufrock Preparatory School)
Situation: The children are now placed in a boarding school. They meet two good friends, Duncan & Isadora Quagmire (The Quagmires were triplets but their brother, Quigley, died in a fire which also claimed their parents, just like the Baudelaires). The Quagmires were also left a huge fortune. Coach Genghis picks the Baudelaire children to be his 'trainees'. He makes them do laps every night non-stop until dawn which they then had to attend classes or do their jobs. The plan was to get the children so tired that they will be expelled...
Ending: A bad one
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WanTse @ 1/11/2005 04:09:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 4: The Miserable Mill
Count Olaf's Disguise: Shirley (A receptionist)
Situation: The children are sent to Lucky Smells Lumbermill a wood processing factory. This time was as bad as living with Count Olaf. They were forced to work in the mill. One day, Klaus breaks his spectacles and went to get it fixed. But when he got back, he became all weird and unlike himself. They find out that he was hypnotised and by chance he was unhypnotised. The next time Klaus broke his glasses, they went with him to the doctor. They find out that Shirley and the doctor were working together.Their plan was to hypnotise Klaus and use him to do their nasty deeds, then get rid of the children, so that they could get the Baudelaire fortune. The children struggle to unhypnotise Klaus...
Ending: A bad one
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WanTse @ 1/11/2005 02:39:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 3: The Wide Window
Count Olaf's Diguise: Captain Sham (A sailboat rental owner)
Situation: The children now live with Aunt Josephine, however she is not actually their aunt. Aunt Josephine was a widow and was afraid of almost everything. They meet Captain Sham one day in the market place. His plane was to berid of Aunt Jospehine and make her place the care of the children in his care. Aunt Jospehine however did not die, yet, but left a secret message to the children of where she was hidding. They figure out her message and set off to find her...
Ending: A bad one
posted by
WanTse @ 1/11/2005 02:23:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 2: The Reptile Room
Count Olaf's Disguise: Stephano (Uncle Monty's Assistant)
Situation: The children are moved to live with their Uncle Monty (Dr. Montgomery Montgomery). Uncle Monty was a hepetologist (studies reptiles) and has a wide collection of snakes and other reptiles in his house. He was very kind and sweet to the children, so the children enjoyed it there very much. That was until the arrival of Stephano. They were actually planning a trip to Peru for Uncle Monty's research and so Stephano's plan was to bring the children to Peru and get rid of them, so that he could have their fortune. And part of his plan caused Uncle Monty's death...
Ending: A bad one
posted by
WanTse @ 1/11/2005 01:52:00 pm
A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 1: The Bad Beginning
Count Olaf's Disguise: Count Olaf
Situation: The Baudelaire children are now the Baudelaire orphans after a fire destroyed their home and taking their parents with them. The children are placed in the care of Count Olaf who is either a 2nd cousin 3 times removed or a 3rd cousin 2 times removed. However the children later finds out that Count Olaf is a greedy, evil man who only wants to get his hand on the Baudelaire fortune which was left to the children after the death of the children. But this fortune will only become available after Violet the eldest had turned 18. She was now 14. The second child was Klaus, 12 and the youngest is Sunny who is just a baby. While staying with Count Olaf, they were made to do chores and difficult tasks, making their lives a misery. In a bid to get the Baudelaire fortune, Count Olaf plans a real wedding but made it to be in a play so no one would suspect him...
Ending: A bad one
posted by
WanTse @ 1/11/2005 01:19:00 am
Tuesday, January 04, 2005 |
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Have you heard of a series of books called A Series Of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket? If you have read it... you may be just like my sister... hooked onto it... according to her... the books are really good and the movie is a must but it wouldn't be as good as the books I think... IF you haven't heard of it... you may want to catch the movie... it stars Jim Carrey... the story is about the Baudeliare children who became orphans after their parents mysteriously dies in a fire... and they were sent to live with their 'closest' relative Count Olaf (Carrey)... but he's actually an evil man who just wants the fortune left by their parents... but the children know better... these 3 children... Violet the eldest is 14 and has a talent for inventing things with anything lying around... the second is Klaus, 12 loves to read and learn and remembers everything he reads... and the youngest is Sunny who loves to bite things... she bites everything and has four very sharp teeth... try to get help from the adults but they would never listen to them... nor believe them... so they had to come out with their own scheme to expose the evil Count Olaf... things get tougher when the Count keeps changing identities and for some reason no one else recognises him but the 3 children... This is a seriously must watch show... I don't know about the guys but everyone else should be able to enjoy it... So yeah... I enjoyed it... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 1/04/2005 01:51:00 am
Saturday, January 01, 2005 |
I'm Finally Accepted!!! Yay...
I also forgot to talk about this... Since I got back from London... I've been anxiously waiting for my offers from the universities that I applied to... actually from University of Melbourne to be more precise... because it's the best... well second best but the Australian National University doesn't offer Civil Engineering... Anyway... I got a call a few days ago... and YES it was finally here... actually it arrived days before but somehow I didn't get their message... but anyhow I finally got my offer!!! Yay... so happy... too bad not much to look forward to in Melb though... can you imagine everything closing at 5 p.m... that's still in the afternoon... even though London is boring but at least it's nearly 24 hours... man... I guess it gives me a chance to focus instead of having too much fun or something... still have to get back to the uni and do all the payments... loads more to do... Best news is... I CAN SPEND CNY IN MALAYSIA!!!! Yay!!! Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 1/01/2005 08:20:00 pm
Tragic End... A New Dawn...
Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone... may God bless those who are not able to enjoy the new year with enthusiasm like many of us can... I am rather embarrassed that I totally forgot to talk about the EARTHQUAKE/TSUNAMI that had hit so many countries from Asia to East Africa... and my own being one of them... I thank God because my family and I were not affected... but the number of casualty has risen to almost 124 000 people... that is a huge huge number... that is excluding those who are injured (severely or not) and those who had lost their loved ones and those who had lost everything they ever had... The Prime Minister of Malaysia has requested that all celebrations of new year's should only be done at home and at a small scale as respect to these victims... It does still feel rather gloomy today... governments from all around the world are working to gather enough basic necessities for those who have survived... and still gathering donation for the people as well to help the settle back down after the 'mess' has been cleared up... After watching the news the other day... it was just a painful sight... bodies literally piled on top of one another... and everyone there was wearing masks to keep out the stench from the decomposing bodies... everything on Phuket island is literally wiped out... if you haven't seen it for yourself... it's had to believe... It has been said that it has been 200 years since something natural this disastrous has happened... A true tragic disaster indeed... so if you can help please do...
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WanTse @ 1/01/2005 02:02:00 pm
Goodbye 2004
This is the last entry for the year... I would say that I have personally made progress this year... Set up my blog... set up my w-inds. site... a relatively successful one... worked harder than the previous years... made new friends... adapted well to college... somewhat survived college... and much more... had a lot of firsts as well I guess... There's sure to be some every year... I don't know if this year was better than the previos year or the year before but it was certainly different and a good experience... so cheers to 2004 and au revoir...
posted by
WanTse @ 1/01/2005 01:54:00 am
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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