Tuesday, June 28, 2005 |
The Guys And I
Had a gathering with my college classmates yesterday... Great to see those who I haven't seen since beginning of this year again... but the down side was that I was the only girl...!!!! Gasp!!! Yeah well... all the other girls are either not back from Australia or are unavailable... how sad... So it was Daniel, Richard, Wai King, Weng Yew, Jonathan, Meng Sang , Jing Yao and myself... Yihaur was a no show... When came time for lunch we went to Chilli's after many decision changes... stayed for about 2 hours or so... and many drink refills... After that the uys decided to go "da gei" aka play computer games... So I broke off from the gang... It's amazing that somethings are still soooooo expensive even in Malaysian Ringgit and some things are even more expensive than those in Melbourne... So many things I wanted to buy but decided not to in the end... Oh well... maybe later... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/28/2005 06:50:00 pm
Saturday, June 25, 2005 |
So Familiar... Yet So Strange...
I'm back in Malaysia for 2 days now... and I'm kinda missing Melbourne already... Okay I guess I'm being kinda bratty but hey what can a girl do... Everything seems the same... only half a year gone and they turned my bedroom into a storeroom... hahaha... and some of my old habits are still there... AMAZING!!! If only I could get the best of both worlds... But that's almost impossible in real life...Well for starters... I always thought that I was kinda lonely in Melb but coming back made me realise how nice the quiet really was... seriously... okay so I like some noise but not screaming and yelling type... Then... there's the heat!!! Oh gosh it's absolutely impossibly HOT HOT HOT here... but it was kinda freezing in Melb this time around... But for me I'll take freezing over blazing hot any day... Haven't gotten to eat any great Malaysian food yet... only some "dai pao" and dumplings but the dumplings kinda sucked... I'm dying for some proper laksa and nasi lemak... oh and roti canai!!!! Oh I went to do my hair yesterday... bad news... my dad objected to me dying hair... I kinda trivially brought it up but he was like "Don't even dare." So there you have it... But I reborned my hair... hahaha I find that term so funny... Hmmm what else... yeah nothing... kinda bored already... yeah so er... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/25/2005 12:02:00 am
Saturday, June 18, 2005 |
Sin City
All I want to say about the show is... EXTREMELY VIOLENT... kinda like Kill Bill... and just as complex... A lot of characters to keep track of... and three main storylines... Recommanded for people over 15 who are not squirmish... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/18/2005 10:20:00 pm
You know how people always say that when you get married... you marry the mother as well... Well this show basically emphasises that saying... It stars Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda and Michael Vartan (Alias)... It's about Charlie aka Charlotte (Lopez) and Kevin (Vartan) fell in love at first sight and decides to get married only after a few weeks of dating... Then when Viola, Kevin's mother who is a celebrity television host, found out about their plans... She flipped out... Not only because she was just released from mental rehab after being fired from her job... her son the brilliant surgeon will be marrying a temp (Charlie does odd jobs such as walking dogs, coaching little league and working as a receptionist)... After that Viola decided to go all out to make sure the marriage does not go through by making Charlie so sick and tired of her, she would not want to marry Kevin... However Charlie soon finds out and retaliates!! Then all hell breaks loose... and all through this Kevin does not notice a thing... But in the end... Viola realises that Charlie really loves her son and they will be happy together and stops her crazy ways... And everyone lived happily ever after... The show is pretty ok... Quite funny at times... I think casting Vartan was the best decision in the world... Don't get me wrong I like the guy but I think he can't really act... But Fonda put on a brilliant performance as the psychotic mother-in-law... Overall maybe one of those movies to watch when you're bored and have nothing better to do... So yeap... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/18/2005 10:01:00 pm
Thursday, June 16, 2005 |
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
I have to admit... I was totally psyched up to watch the show... I just couldn't wait you know with all the publicity and rumours about Pitt and Jolie... But well... it wasn't that good after all... good for a quick watch I guess... The introduction was quite nice... The show was rather funny actually... I think I would categorise the show under action romantic comedy... Haven't had much of those... ;P Okay so I'm sure EVERYONE knows basically what it's about... John Smith (Pitt) and Jane Smith (Jolie) works for two competing assassination agencies (which seems like his and hers agencies as well... ;P)... They met each other in Columbia and are married for 6 years without knowing each other's true identities... But when they finally find out... they were each other's targets and things get chaotic!!! Killing each other becomes a whole new meaning in a marriage... well it was not like their marriage was smooth sailing anyway... But when they are faced with the REAL opportunity... they just could not do it... because they really do love one another... (awwww... how sweet)... So then they decide to go after something more harmful to the agencies... And again another truth unfolds... The so-called threat was actually a bait and the real targets were BOTH Mr and Mrs Smith... a joint venture by both agencies because they figured that their agentss being married to each other was a bad image... So anyway now the Mr and Mrs team up to get back at the agencies... And in the end... everyone lives happily ever after... Oh yeah... by the way... the funniest part of the movie is when Adam Brody is introduced into the show... I didn't know he was in it... so funny that he's in an "action" movie... but he's just as silly as he is in The O.C... Yeah so the movie is a good watch if you like comedies... I rather enjoyed it... but I thought there would be more action... Hahaha... But yeah... it was okay... So go watch it... Cheers...
Favourite quotes from the movie: * "Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet." * "Hey stranger.""Hey back." * "This is the second time you tried to kill me.""Oh, come on. It was just a little bomb." * "I thought you look like Christmas morning.""I thought you were the most beautiful mark I've ever seen." * "There are times that I just wanna... kill her...""Likewise.""But... couldn't take the shot." * "There's this huge space between us... and it just keeps filling up with everything that we don't say to each other... What do you call that?""Marriage." * "I was married once.""What's her name and her social security number?""No, you're not going to kill her." |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/16/2005 11:24:00 pm
Friday, June 10, 2005 |
Parents Know Best?!
Okay so I've just sat for my first official exam in uni life... it's not so bad... but as usual I'm pretty sure I did badly... sigh... Anyway... made me think about the course I'm doing again... If you didn't know... I'm currently doing a combined degree of Civil Engineering and Commerce... But those who know me well enough know I've actually thought about becoming a chef... Yes a chef... I've thought about it quite a lot of times... often thinking I'm better of doing something stable like engineering rather than risking my future... But everytime I cook or I see someone cook something great... it makes me think of why I love cooking so much... I really do love it... skilled or not is a different question... I'm sure a lot of the professional chef started out knowing zip... I don't know how much my dad wants me to be an engineer or at the least, follow his footsteps and become an accountant (damn boring!!!!) but I'm pretty sure he thinks that is heaps better than a chef any day... But I think I would like cooking rather than doing calculations and writing and drafting and doing whatever engineers do... But if it was you... would you persue your dreams over going with your parents wishesif they want you to do something else?! Or are you one of those who are lucky enough to have supporting parents who encourages you to o whatever you want... AND what do you do when you don't know what you want to do?! Then do you do what your parents want?! I've always had trouble making decisions for my own life unlike everyone I know... Everyone has a plan... knows what they want to do... and are planning every step ahead... me... well... I'm just leaving it to my dad... Am I so lame or what?! I really don't know... totally confused... What's worst is that I have such a sort attention span... where the only thing which I've dedicated a substantial amount of time at is Taekwon-do, my w-inds. Forum and downloading off the internet... hahaha... and what if you are not good at anything... Maybe I'm just lazy or maybe I'm just not that smart... I've never been very interested in things which need thinking skills but rather I'm better with my hands... you know those hands on things like wood work... AH I don't know... I just want to o what I like... or at least be good at what I do... but it seems like right know I have neither option... Hahaha... So for those of you who are LOVING what they are doing... good on ya'... and for those who are not... well I know what it's like... so Cheers...!!! |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/10/2005 09:46:00 pm
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 |
This is an animation from the creators of Shrek and Shark Tales. It's basically about 4 animal friends, the Lion: Alex [Ben Stiller], the Zebra: Marty [Chris Rock], the (pregnant) Hippo: Gloria [Jada Pinkett-Smith], and the Giraffe: Melman [David Schwimmer] and their "survival" in Madagascar after an accident landed them there. What happened is that Marty turns 10 at the beginning of the show and when he found out that the four penguins in the New York Zoo were trying to escape to the wild, he realises how bored he is and wished to be in the wild as well. That night he escapes to go off but plans to return in thw morning. However, when Alex, Gloria and Melman realises he's gone, they go after him. Of course being animals on the loose, they were captured and brought back to the zoo but because of animal-rights protesters, they were to be shipped back to the wild, Africa to be exact. But during the shipping, something happened and they eneded up in Madagascar instead where things started going wrong and Alex turns into a predator, which he was not before.But of course all ends well. This show is pretty hilarious at times... I totally love Melman's character, who is like totally paranoid and stuff... the absolutely got the right person to do the voice... and the penguins and monkeys were soooooo funny... loved it!!!! I think it's currently at the top of the movie charts as well... so go catch it... it's pretty worth it I recond... Cheers!!! |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/07/2005 09:26:00 pm
Friday, June 03, 2005 |
Star Wars Overview
Well I guess most have seen the movie by now... I'm sure everyone already knows how it's going to be... If you've seen episodes I, II, IV, V and VI, there is no reason why your shouldn't watch this... after all it binds all the episodes together... I think the best actor in it is Ewan McGregor... He is soooooo hot with the beard!!! Hahaha... ;p In case you've been living in a galaxy far far away and do not seem to follow what is happening... Here's a short overview of the previous episodes...
Episode I - The Phantom Menace This was when it all began, where Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi were called on to intervene in a trade dispute in Naboo, governed by Queen Amidala who was threatened by the corrupt Trade Federation, puppets of the Sith Lord and his apprentice Darth Maul. In the process the encounter a young boy of great talent, a prodigy, Anakin Skywalker. Qui-Gon dies in a lightsaber duel with Darth Maul but made Obi-Wan promise to train the young Skywalker. After saving the queen, Obi-Wan was made a Jedi and took Anakin as his apprentice at his master's dying wish.
Episode II - Attack Of The Clones About a decade has passed and Anakin is now a teenage Jedi apprentice. Obi-Wan and Anakin are called upon to protect their old friend, Padme, the once Queen Amidala of Naboo who has stepped down from the throne but continues to serve in tthe senate. After an attempted assasination of Padme, Obi-Wan was sent in persue of a bounty hunter in another planet while the grown up but still impulsive Anakin is sent on his first mission alone to ascort Padme back to her home planet of Naboo for her protection. Obi-Wan soon finds out that there is a clone army being created over the past decade or so for the republic. Anakin on the other hand finds himself falling in love with Padme but Padme convinces him that they could never be together and that they should set aside their feelings. After Obi-Wan was captured and Anakin and Padme were captured as well in an attempt to rescue Obi-Wan, the Jedi came in full force with the help of the clone army to rescue them and defeat Count Dooku, the mastermind behind the attack on the republic. Anakin then finds himself in a showdown with Count Dooku who was Yoda's old apprentice, but was no match and had his hand cut off, the traditonal way of defeating an opponent in a lightsaber duel. But the day was saved by Yoda. Anakin and Padme are now husband and wife. However, it was only the beginning of the clone wars.
Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith This episode, deemed the darkest, is the most crucial one. Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are on a mission to save Chancellor Palpatine, captured by Count Dooku, who was in fact his sith apprentice (Yes if you don't know it by now, Chancellor Palpatine is the sith lord). Anakin finds himself duelling with Count Dooku again but this time Anakin triumphed, then with the chancellor urging him on, Anakin killed the count (It is actually against the Jedi code to kill if the opponent if defenceless, and since Count Dooku had both his hands chopped of he was pretty much helpless). As they headed for the ship, Anakin goes to save his master who was unconcious. The chancellor told him to leave Obi-Wan but Anakin refused. They make it back safe. Anakin is reunited with his wife, Padme and she annouces that she is pregnant. However, Anakin is less than thrilled as he is haunted by visions of Padme dying of child birth. Then Anakin is invited to join the Jedi Council but was not given the rank of master, only because the needed Anakin to report on Chancellor Palpatine's actions, who was a good friend of Anakin's, throwing him into a dilemma. Obi-Wan is later sent to battle General Grievous another of the sith lord's puppet. The chancellor reveals that he is the sith lord to Anakin and Anakin reports back to the Jedi council. They set off to arrest the chancellor but Anakin was not allowed to follow. However, Anakin is torn between capturing the sith lord or saving him because he was convinced that the sith lord could save Padme, whom Anakin was too afraid to lose. In the end, Anakin did what he had to to save Padme, he pledged himself to the sith lord becoming Darth Vader. Leading an army into the Jedi temple, Anakin kills all the Jedis including the little apprentices. Obi-Wan meets up with Yoda, the only two remaining Jedis. They find out what had happened. Yoda goes to face the sith lord while Obi-Wan goes to Padme to find out where Anakin has gone and in turn Padme learns of Anakin's fate. She refuses to give up Anakin's location but goes to confront him. When she does, she sees that Anakin has really changed and is heartbroken. Anakin becomes angry and begins to strangle her. Obi-Wan appears and they begin to battle. Yoda lost the battle with the sith lord and goes into exile. Meanwhile, in the master and apprentice duel, Obi-Wan defeats Anakin, and leaves him to die. However, Anakin does not die, saved by the sith lord, he is put into the black robotic suit that is forever associated with Darth Vader. As for Padme, she is brought to the hospital, medically she was fine but she was dying anyway, supposedly lost the will to live. But before she does, she gives birth to a set of twins, Luke and Leia Skywalker. To ensure the safety of the twins they were seperated, until it will be safe enough for them to be reunited.
Episode IV - A New Hope Luke is now all grown up at the care of his aunt and uncle in Tatooine. Hew was never told of his mother, father nor the fact that he had a twin sister. Luke longs to joinThe Rebels in their quest to ri the galaxy of the evil Empire controlled by the emperor (sith lord) and his apprentice Darth Vader. One day, Luke returns from an outing to find that his aunt an uncle were murdered by the Empire's imperial stormtroopers and finds a message from the leader of The Rebels, Princess Leia, seeking assistance from a man called Obi-Wan Kenobi. So he sets out to find this man and does. Luke then learns that Obi-Wan knew his father and they set off to find the princess. On their journey they received help from Han Solo and his sidekick Chewbacca. They manage to find the princess but when they were escaping, Obi-Wan faces Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel and is killed. Luke then becomes what he had wanted for so long, a Rebel soldier. In the process, they destroy the Death Star.
Episode V - The Empire Stricks Back With the Death Star destroyed, the evil Empire is now seeking out The Rebels and their location. In a battle in Hoth, Luke is seperated from Leia and Han Solo. Darth Vader goes after Han and Leia in a bid to lure Luke into a trap. Luke however finds himself stranded in a strange place where he meets the old Jedi Master Yoda who then teaches him the way of the Force. Like his father, he was talented in the ways of the Force but was also impatient and Yoda warns him of the threat of turning to the dark side. When Luke finds out that Darth Vader has Leia and Han in captive, he has no choice but to rescue them, no matter how dangerous. There he finds out the truth of his father, hence the famous "Luke, I am you father" phrase and Luke loses his hand to Darth Vader after he refused to join the dark side. But she still manages to escape with Han and Leia.
Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi Because of some bad debts, Han Solo is captured by Jabba the Hut and Luke goes to save him with the help of Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2 and C3P0. Meanwhile, the Empire completes the construction of a better more powerful Death Star. After that Luke returns to complete his training to be a Jedi Knight with Master Yoda. As for Leia and Han, they lead The Rebels to break down the protection shield of the Death Star to enable their fighters to destory it. As Luke grows stronger, Yoda grows weaker. Before Yoda died he manages to give Luke all his wisdom and told him the whole truth about his father, that Leia is his sister and that he has to face Darth Vader as their last hope. So Luke goes to confront Darth Vader again. This time the emperor urges Luke to kill him in the journey to the dark side. But Luke keeps refusing and convinces Darth Vader that he still has some good in him. Angered by his refusal the emperor took matters to his own hands. When he seems Luke's life draining away, Darth Vader finally came to his senses and Anakin Skywalker emerges again. He sacrifices his own life to save his son Luke. As the Death Star crumbles to destruction, Luke brings his father along back to give his father a proper burial. In the end the Force is brought to balance just like it was foreseen. |
posted by
WanTse @ 6/03/2005 04:02:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
See my complete profile
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