Noel... Noel...
As most of you should know... I am not Christian... so I don't celebrate Christmas religiously... but my mother's family does... so what we do every year is have a big dinner at my grandmother's... and this year was no exceptions... and it was as grand as ever... especially with a new member in the family... Great food... great atmosphere... presents... a gathered family... what else can be greater!!! Hahaha... All I can say that I had a great time... and I really really enjoyed the turkey!!! Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/27/2004 07:06:00 pm
The Phantom Of The "Movies"
After much anticipation... the famous Andrew Lloyd Webber musical The Phantom Of The Opera had finally reached the screens... At first we wanted to watch the musical in West End when we were in London but we decided to catch other ones which we can't watch else where first... Anyway so we decided to catch it in the movies... and we did on Christmas day... The movie was more similar to the book than it is to the musical... however there are some distinct differences... The story starts off in 1919 many years after 'the incidents'... There was an auction being held in the old theater... An old Raoul arrives in a carriage and is now so old he has to use a wheelchair... in the auction... things from the old theater were being auctioned off...and he sees Mdm. Giry... and then when they started auctioning off 'the chandelier'... the theater lights up and the story shifts to the past... that's where the real story starts... throughout the whole movie there were a few flash backs... Ok so first I will talk about the good things of the movie... I like the way they filmed the movie... the cinematography is quite good... the way they piece the story together... especially the way they began the story... it was very grand... they also provide subtitles whenever they sang... that was good going because some parts are hard to hear... but sometimes the subtitles are wrong... my favourite scene was Masquerade... I love the song as well!! Hahaha... the characters have fairly good chemistry as well and most gave a good performance... the actors didn't have the best voices around but they weren't half bad... Now to the bad... Sometimes the actors can be a bit weird and stiff... I don't really like the guy who played Raoul... I was also dissapointed with the make up they did for the Phantom... his deformaties weren't that horrifying... and the fact that his hair becomes lighter coloured and thinner when his mask is taken off is just ridiculous... Overall I would say that the movie was only ok... don't watch it if you have to pay more than RM 8... Even when I went to watch it the cinema was only half filled... I guess not many people would appreciate things like this...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/27/2004 06:20:00 pm
Friday, December 24, 2004 |
Ocean's 12 & My Reading Habit
Ok...so I went to watch Ocean's 12 yesterday... initially I wanted to watch Polar Express but there were some 'technical difficulties'... And the queues were soooooo long that they didn't have anymore good seats... But enough about that... so Ocean's Twelve... If you have seen the first instalment... you wouldn've known that after Danny Ocean (George Clooney) came out from prison, they were followed by some guys working for Mr. Benedict (Andy Garcia)... so now Mr. Benedict has found ALL the members and threatened to kill them unless they paid back all that they had stolen plus interest even though it was already covered by his insurance... such a greedy pig!! Anyway... so the boys group together again to solve their crisis... And the plot thickens by the arrival of two misterious characters LeMarc and The Night Fox... two supposedly legendary thieves... Anyway you'll just have to watch it for yourself... I wouldn't say it's a great movie but it's good... I like the way they keep you confused and guessing until the end... I give it a 6...
anyway I felt like writing about my reading habit... Many of you who know me might have noticed that I don't seem like the type who reads a lot... and that is very true indeed... I personally don't really enjoy reading... unless the story is good of course and I have this thing about book covers... I never read a book with bad, boring or ugly covers... it's just my thing don't ask me why... And also... I don't read books for knowledge... I read for entertainment... therefore I only read books for 'young adults' and chick lit... And I's a very slow reader as well so I don't read anything thick or has extremely small font... I personally prefer to get information from TV... there's where I learn most of my history and science knowledge from... I think it is because I wasn't taught to read until I was quite old kindergarten... I don't remember anyone reading to me either when I was younger... so I guess the reading habit wasn't instilled in me since I was 'young'... I read somewhere that Malaysia is one of the least read nations... I don't kow if culture or the prices of books is to blame... I find that the price of books are rather high... but during my trip to London... after conversion the prices there are just as high or higher... Hmmm... So what's my point??? Nothing... I was just bored... hahaha... I guess the point is... I don't like to read... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 12/24/2004 08:23:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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