Monday, February 28, 2005 |
Calling Romeo
 This book is basically a chick lit… It’s about this girl, Juliet, who has been with Will for over two years but is now beginning to get bored and frustrated about his “selfish tendencies”. On Valentine’s Day, Juliet waits for Will at the restaurant but Will fails to show up (she thought he might have been busy but actually he fell asleep). Angered she goes off with her best friend Trudy to have some drinks. There she meets the dashing and sophisticated Sykes, creative director of a rival company (they both work in advertising). Juliet, attracted to Sykes charm start to develop some feeling for him. And when Sykes invites her to join him on a business trip to Italy, she agrees. While Will mopes around back home in London, Juliet enjoys being pampered by Sykes. However, when Sykes spends time with his friends in Italy, he seemed to be an all together different person. Juliet can’t help but wonder if he really was interested in her or was it just a moment’s pleasure. After returning from the trip, Will seemed rather changed and Juliet ponders her dilemma of which guy to stay with. The ending of this story however isn’t very good. The resolution was just a bit too easy. But other than that the book was filled with a good dose of English humour, romance and a good feel of Juliet’s insecurity. I guess if you are a romantic or a sucker for chick lits you will probably enjoy it… I did… I do actually recommend you read this light hearted book… Cheers… |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/28/2005 11:03:00 am
Friday, February 25, 2005 |
Bushdance... Oi!!!
Okay so yesterday I followed my friends to the Bushdance organized by MUOSS... Melbourne University Overseas Student Service... I know... me at a buhsdance let a lone any dance for that fact... well initially I didn't plan to go but some people decided it would be worth a look and we ended up going for it... Hahaha... So what is a Bushdance in the first place... No it's not anything aboriginal or something... it's more like folk dance... Surprisingly... the Australian Bushdance is derived from folkdances from other countries... I have to say it was very fun indeed... Never thought of myself as a dancing person but yeah it was really fun... alot of spinning... made me quite dizzy... it was really funny... ah if only I took a video... never though of it... the people alternated the guys and the girls in a big cirlce but then the wasn't enough guys... so some girls had to be guys... Then... they decided not to be gender descriminating... so they guys (& honourary guys) became Emus (I'm not too sure how to spell it) and the girls were Kangaroos... hahaha... then there was something like a "docey-doe" and there was a Russian dance thingi... yeah... Then later we had Korean food... really good Korean food in fact... the pork was so good... felt like such a long time since I had pork... hahaha... adsolutely adored it... Well... that was that... definitely did not regret going even though I was quite sure I would be in the beginning... Well if any of you are coming next year make sure to join the Bushdance... Cheers!!! |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/25/2005 10:56:00 am
Wednesday, February 23, 2005 |
In Melbourne
Hey people... I've finally found sometime to write something... I can't really write much now even though I wish I could... Haven't had the time to do so... but currently life in Melbourne is good... except for some of the boring orientation stuff... hahaha... I wonder is anyone is tracking what I'm writing... Im doing it from the uni right now... If they are tracking me... they would have noticed that I have said it's boring many times already... haha... Yeah so I'll update some other time... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/23/2005 10:13:00 am
Tuesday, February 15, 2005 |
Okay... so I'm leaving for Melbourne tonight... my flight is at 9.30 pm... So this will be my last entry from Malaysia for quite sometime... So yeah... just wanted to make an entry... hahaha... ;P Cheers everyone... see you down under... |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/15/2005 05:18:00 pm
Saturday, February 12, 2005 |
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe
 Originally the 1st book... The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe is now the 2nd in the series. Based in the year 1940 in normal human year count, it tells of 4 brothers and sisters, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, who were sent to live with Professor Kirk (an older Digory) during the war. On the day of their arrival, the children find themselves trapped in the house because it was raining outside. So they decided to explore the house instead, during which they found a room with nothing but a wardrobe. Lucy decided that it was worth checking out. And so she finds herself in another world, Narnia. There she meets a faun, half goat, half man, named Mr. Tumnus who invites her for tea. She happily agrees, but when it came time for her to go back, the faun reveals that we was actually working for the White Witch who commanded that if any son of Adam (boy) or daughter of Eve (girl) should enter Narnia, they were to be captured and brought to her. But Mr. Tumnus was way to nice and let her go back to her world. Back home, she tried to explain to her siblings where she had gone but they were not convinced and thought it was all make believe. For the next few days, all Lucy did was cry because they refused to believe her. On another wet day, the children were forced to play hide-and-seek indoors. Looking for a place to hide, Edmund followed Lucy to the wardrobe knowing she would surely go there. Unknowingly, he ends up in Narnia as well. But instead of finding Lucy, he finds himself in the presence of the White Witch. Seeing that Edmund was a son of Adam, she tricked him into telling her about his brother and sisters, about where they were from, about how Mr. Tumnus defied her orders. She also made him believe that she was the good and everyone who defied her were traitors, and that she was the rightful Queen of Narnia. The Queen then told Edmund that she wanted to make him her heir and that he would be king. But first, she wanted to meet Edmund’s siblings. On his way back home, Edmund met Lucy. Lucy became very delighted that she now had prove that Narnia existed. When they got back, however, Edmund refused to admit that he was there and that they were only playing pretend. Lucy became infuriated. Seeing that she was so upset, Peter and Susan decided to talk to Prof. Kirk about it. He told them that there was no reason why they should not believe her and that Lucy might just be telling the truth, and there was no mention of the matter anymore after that. The a few days later, some guests were invited to the house and the children wanted to keep out of the way so they tried their best to hide in a room. But it seemed that wherever they went they were followed, so they finally decided to do to the room with the wardrobe. But even then they still heard voices around them so they had no choice but to hide inside the wardrobe and unexpectedly they found themselves in Narnia. There they decided to first find Mr. Tumnus but when they arrived at his house, there was nothing there. Feeling that some bad might have happened, they decided to go look for him only to find themselves meeting Mr. Beaver, who Mr. Tumnus had told to look out for the children. He brought them to a safer location where Mrs. Beaver was waiting and told them what had happened while they had some dinner. He explained that Mr. Tumnus was captured by the White Witch after she had found out that he did not capture Lucy the last time she was around. But it did not really matter because the great lion Azlan was back in Narnia and was bound to set everything right. When he had eventually finished telling the children everything, they find that Edmund had disappeared and ealised that he had gone to meet the White Witch. They had no choice but to pack and leave immediate in search of Azlan. On their way, the children met Father Christmas who gave them some very important gifts, for Peter: a shield and a sword, for Susan: a bow and arrows and for Lucy: a magic horn for seeking help and a bottle of magic healing elixir. At the White Witch’s palace, she the White Witch was enraged that Edmund had not brought along his siblings to see her and also the fact that Azlan was back in Narnia. Seeing her true colours, Edmund realized he had made a serious mistake but it was too late. The White Witch sent some of her helpers to go stop the rest of the children from reaching Azlan. However, the children managed to succeed in finding Azlan and every second that Azlan was around, the White Witch’s powers grew weaker and weaker. Azlan sent his “Talking Beasts” (animals that he gave the power of speech and thought to) to go rescue Edmund and succeeded. The White Witch was of course very unsatisfied. She went to seek revenge and according to Narnian Law, because Edmund was a traitor, he rightfully belonged to the White Witch. So as a bargain, Azlan traded his life for Edmund’s. That night, Susan and Lucy both could not sleep and followed Azlan who was roaming around sadly. He told the children that they could follow him for awhile only, after that they were to stay away no matter what. And then the children witnessed the gruesome killing of Azlan by the White Witch and her men. But by the most sacred magic, Azlan was brought back to life. And he came back in time to join the battle that was led by Peter to fight against the White Witch and in the end they triumphed! Then, Peter was named High King of Narnia, and Susan, Edmund and Lucy were King and Queens under him. They lived in Narnia for a very long time only to return to their world unexpectedly one day on a hunting trip. When they got back to their world, it was as if they had never left, only mere minutes had passed. They told Prof. Kirk about what had happened and he told them not to go looking for Narnia anymore, because Narnia will find them only when they least expect it... |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/12/2005 01:49:00 am
Wednesday, February 09, 2005 |
Chinese New Year!!! Gong Xi Gong Xi!!
Happy Chinese New Year to all who celebrate!! 新年快乐 万事如意 恭喜恭喜!! 明けましておめでとう!! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!!
Today is the first of the 15 days of celebration... and I'm sick... damn!! It's all because of my sister who fell sick!! Arrgghhh... I tried to keep at bay but unless sealed myself in an airtight bag or something it wouldn't work... Anyway... Hope everyone will have a great year coming... Chinese New Year is always more important than the solar new year to all Chinese... plus it's more fun as well... hehehe ;P... So I hope everyone has fun and enjoy the "bai nian"s...
Oh yeah... it was the 1 year anniversary of my blog on the 4th... but I forgot... hahaha... so yay!!! I've been blogging for a year now... Cheers!! |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/09/2005 01:37:00 pm
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew
 Originally the 6th book... The Magician's Nephew is now the 1st in the series. Based in the year 1900 in normal human year count, it tells of a young boy, Digory Kirk, went to live with his aunt and uncle because his dad was in India and his mother was terminally. When he was there, meets a girl who lives next door, Polly, and they soon find themselves walking through a secret passage which led to Digory's uncle's work place. Fortunately for his Uncle Andrew but unortunately for them, Uncle Andrew wanted to use Digory and Polly for his "experiment". Feeling that his uncle was a little eccentric, Digory tries to find a way out but Uncle Andrew manages to trick Polly into a trap where she picked up a yellow ring and dissapeared. Now it was all up to Digory to bring her back. Uncle Andrew explains that Polly was sent to another world by the magic yellow ring and the only way for herr to come back was for him to go after her bringing along two magic green rings which will enable safe return, or so he says. Having no choice, Digory goes after her. After a short while of what seemed like a water rollercoaster ride, Digory comes out from a pool and finds himself in some kind of quiet woods, where he finds Polly. The woods was filled with many small pools of water. But instead of going straight back, Digory and Polly decided to check out what other worlds that the pools led to. They came to a place where it seemed that everyone there was frozen in some spell and at one end there was a bell which beconds anyone to ring it in order to awaken the bespelled people. Being a curious little boy, Digory deicdes to ring the bell even though Polly told him not to. Then they find themselves in over their heads. They had awaken the evil witch who is extremely power crazy. As a last ditch to be rid of the witch, they decided to head back for home. Unfortunately, the witch managed to tag along and ended up in their world or rather "our" world. Needless to say she tried to make everyone bow to her supremacy but it only infuriated everyone. Digory and Polly new very well that they couldn't just leave her in their world so they had no choice but to go back. This time their journey brought them to another place, a place that had just began to come alive. The creator of that land was a gigantic lion by the name of Azlan, and the place was Narnia. At the sight of the great lion, the witch fled and disappeared. With a lot of questions ringing in his mind, Digory went to seek advice from the great lion Azlan. When he met Azlan, he was sent to rectify his deed, the fact that he brought the evil witch to Narnia on it's day of birth (Narnian Year 1). Digory was sent to retrieve a magic apple, from which a magical tree will grow and it will guard Narnia from the harm of the witch. When he got back triumphant from the task, he was given a reward by Azlan. A apple from the tree that grew from the apple he brought back. The apple was for his mother whom from eating the apple will recover from the sickness. After that, the were sent home. Digory and Polly never went back to Narnia because they decided to bury the rings for the fear that someone would use them for evil. However, Digory did plant the core of the apple that he gave his mother from where a tree grew. Although its fruit did not give healing powers, it was exceptionally tasty and nutricious. Many years later, the tree was struck down but Digory used the wood to construct a wardrobe... |
posted by
WanTse @ 2/09/2005 01:35:00 am
Friday, February 04, 2005 |
In Good Company
This movie is not very popular... stars Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace (the guy who lays Eric in 'The 10's Show) and Scarlett Johansson... I'm too lazy to write a review so here's a summary --> Dan Foreman (Quaid) is headed for a shakeup. He is demoted from head of ad sales for a major magazine when the company he works for is acquired in a corporate takeover. His new boss, Carter Duryea (Grace) is half his age - a business school prodigy who preaches corporate synergy. While Dan develops clients through handshake deals and relationships, Carter cross - promotes the magazine with the cell phone division and "Krispity Krunch," an indeterminate snack food under the same corporate umbrella. Both men are going through turmoil at home. Dan has two daughters - Alex, age 18, and Jana, age 16 - and is shocked when his wife tells him she's pregnant with a new child. Between college tuition, the mortgage and a new baby, Dan can't afford to lose his job in the wave of corporate layoffs. Carter, in the meanwhile, is dumped by his wife of seven months just as he gets his promotion. Dan and Carter's uneasy friendship is thrown into jeopardy when Carter falls for, and begins an affair with, Dan's daughter Alex (Johansson)... The movies isn't all that great... just one of those unimpressive, not special type... No comments about it except it was ok... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 2/04/2005 07:09:00 pm
Thursday, February 03, 2005 |
Kung Fu Hustle
Directed by and stars Stephen Chow... I think you know what you're in for... I think most of you have watched it already... i just didn't get a chance to until recently... Okay so the movie is about back in the times when mafias roam around in Hong Kong openly and causing termoil and suffering to all the people... oh and also the time when everyone wore suits... nice... hahaha... anyway yeah the mosts feared mafia gang is the "Axe Gang"... so named because their weapon is the axe... only when that fails do they use guns... And one day... the gang find themselves in a small little village called "Pig Sty Village" where the people (very strange people) lived relatively peacefully except for the outrageous treatment they get from the landlady... and the Axe Gang bullied the people due to some misuderstanding caused by the character Chow plays only to be know as The One... and forcing the kung fu master who were living in seclusion in the village to reveal themselves in order to save the innocent villagers... But after being defeated... the head of the Axe Gang was enranged and enlisted the help of the second greatest assassins in Hong Kong who uses music to kill their prey... This only forced the two greater masters of the village to revea themselves as well... the landlord and the landlady together know as Fated Lovers... defeating the assassins... the head of the Axe Gang is now forced to seek help from the greatest killer, Beast. Unfortunately, The One was beaten to pulp by Beast because he tried to save the Fated Lovers. By some miracle, because of this, Beast had cleared the Chi flow within The One and unleashed his true potential, making him now a powerful kung fu master himself... in the end The One defeated Beast but spared him death and by doing so Beast was trully defeated and begged for forgiveness... After that... the "world" became peaceful again and everyone could live in the open now... and of course the guy gets the girl... The movie itself is pretty violent... it's no wonder why the sensorship board rated it 18... but it has quite good humour in it as well... like all Stephen Chow movies... this is a hit as well... protraying what Chow loves best in all his movies... different styles of kung fu techniques including some intersting ideas as well... I enjoyed the movie... If you like kung fu you're sure to like this as well... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 2/03/2005 04:24:00 pm
Digital Fortress
Another masterpiece by Dan Brown. This time the characters are different from the prvious two books. Instead of art and symbologies, the theme for this story is computer technologies and of course his usual favourite, codes and encryptions. It's basically about some guy who managed to create an encryption code which cannot be cracked without the key and the NSA is trying to find the key "for the sake of national security". But it turns out that there are more lies than truths beneath this whole mystery. I would say that this book has definitely more violence and more scandals than the previous two books. But I have to say... the characters are so stupid for an "intellegance agency" people... I mean I figured out the code way before they did... Maybe because it's Chemistry... my least favourite subject and my weakest as well... Hahaha... Cheers...
posted by
WanTse @ 2/03/2005 04:09:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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