Monday, January 30, 2006 |
Year Of The Dog... Bow Wow...
Happy Chinese New Year 新年快乐 恭喜发财!!! aka Lunar New Year to those who celebrate in Korea and Japan...!!! Pretty dull for me this year... so sad I didn't get to celebrate this year... I guess that's my punishment for not studying hard... But this time around will be totally different... I just got back my mid sem results... 39/40 woohoo!!! Man I can't believe I lost that 1 mark... I checked the answer 3 times and finally after I handed the paper in I was counting it in my head and I realised I had made a mistake... sooooooooooooo sad...!!!!!!!!! But anyway still a good result... :)
The Australian Open has finally come to an end and who else but Roger Federer is the champion... but Marcos Baghdatis was the people's champion... Hooray for Baghdatis for making things fun and interesting!!! Only his first grand slam final ever at the age of 20... I would say he did a pretty decent job... But kudos to Federer for bringing his A game back in the 3rd set... 1st and 2nd were pretty shaky... I liked the fact that he cried when he received the trophy... it's nice to see emotions... :p
I feel a good year ahead... hopefully it will be... Cheers...Labels: my news, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 1/30/2006 01:00:00 pm
Thursday, January 26, 2006 |
Australia Day!!
Australians all let us rejoice For we are young and free We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea: Our land abounds in nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare, In history's page let every stage Advance Australia fair, In joyful strains then let us sing Advance Australia fair. Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, We'll toil with hearts and hands, To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands, For those who've come across the seas We've boundless plains to share, With courage let us all combine To advance Australia fair. In joyful strains then let us sing, Advance Australia fair. Yes that is the Australian national anthem... and today is Australia Day where every Australian is out have a barbe (al least according to Sam Kekovic they should) or picnic or watching the Aussie Open... Btw yes I do know how to sing the Aussie anthem... as well as Waltzing Matilda but that one has weird lyrics in it... Swagman... Billabong... Anyway... There's been many debates on whether or not the anthem should be changed because some say it is not suitable to reflect the current Australia or something... At least that's a better excuse than Malaysia wanting to change the word "Negaraku" to "Malaysiaku" just because it wasn't written by a Malaysian... as a matter of fact in the beginning some people thought Waltzing Matilda should have been the anthem but it was rejected because the song is about a druken guy who steals or something... I'm not sure... but Waltzing Matilda is I would say to Aussies like the Assunta school song is to every Assuntarian... we just love to sing it...!!! And also I would just like to mention that I will be moving into my new place tomorrow... YAY!!!! Thank you again to Vin Li and the other people at Villiers for being so nice as to let me crash there... So G'day to all... "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie" "Oi! Oi! Oi!"... Labels: my news, random |
posted by
WanTse @ 1/26/2006 10:52:00 am
Monday, January 23, 2006 |
Fire Fire!!!!
The temperature in Melbourne reached a maximum of approximately 42 degrees yesterday...!!!!!!!! Bush fires everywhere in northern Vic and Andy Roddick has been knocked out of the Aussie Open by Marcos Baghdatis!!! Oh well... Baghdatis is cool... hope he makes finals... that would be awesome!!!!! For women's I think Sharapova vs. Davenport for one of the semis would be quite a match... most probably Davenport will win but I hope Maria gets through... but first Maria has to beat Petrova... and Davenport has to beat Henin-Hardenne... and I think it will be Hingis vs. Clijsters for one of the quarters... that would be quite a match as well then hopefully Hingis can go on maybe play Mauresmo for semis but Hingis has to play Stosur (home fav) and Clijsters has to get pass Schiavone which shouldn't be any problem unless her shoulder gets worst... Mauresmo is definitely through to the quarters and will wait for either Schnyder or Myskina... I'm kinda feeling that Myskina will take it though... and finally I would like to see Hingis vs. Sharapova for the finals... to totally different playing styles... my gosh... can't believe I'm so into tennis now... Hahaha... As for the men... still quite some way to go... what I would like to see is Haas beating Federer which is very highly unlikely... but I would LIKE to see it... :P but anyway I think Federer vs. Davydenko and Chela vs. Grosjean... besides the already through Santoro vs. Nalbandian and Ljubicic vs. Baghdatis for quarters... Then maybe Federer vs. Grosjean and Nalbandian vs. Baghydatis for semis and finally Federer vs. Baghdatis for finals... that would be way interesting... but I doubt Baghdatis will get that far maybe more realistically Federer vs. Nalbandian... I would also like to express my dissapointment that Liverpool was defeated by Man U... sigh... I guess that's all for now... wish me luck for my mid sems on Wednesday... Cheers... Labels: news, P.O.V., random |
posted by
WanTse @ 1/23/2006 11:08:00 am
Thursday, January 05, 2006 |
Melbourne Report
I've been back in Melbourne for 3 days now... When I got there I nearly had a heart attack... it was drizzling and I found out that I couldn't get into Vin Li's place, which she is supposed to be lending me, because she didn't have the key for the gate... no worries... the building next to hers which belongs to the Petronas guys, as usual, is opened... so I kept my things there while I settled other things... Turns out that one of the Petronas guy's parents is using the girls' place... so now I staying in that guy's place... Rafiq I think that's how you spell his name... but I think he moved in with his parents and I'm not sure what the other guy's name is and there was another girl who is from Ballarat, Elani (no sure how you spell it), but she had seemed to disappear... So now I have no idea what on earth is going in that place but I'm just hanging around while finding a place ASAP!!! Classes have started... feels like usual except it the same subject every hour... Yeah and I can't stand not having internet... The computer I'm using right now... the Uni's computer... is totally weird... all the punctuation keys on the keyboard are out of place as in when I try to type @, " comes out instead... to type @ I have to use "Shift""Insert"... is that not ridiculous?!?! Arghhh... it's taking me forever to get this entry done... Vin if you read this... no worries... I'm just glad I have a place... where ever it is... All for now... Cheers... Labels: my news, random |
posted by
WanTse @ 1/05/2006 03:58:00 pm
Sunday, January 01, 2006 |
The Family Stone
Meant to be a holiday movie... It is about acceptance of a new member into the Stone family... One of the Stone sons, Everett (Dermot Mulroney), brings his girlfriend, Meredith (Sarah Jessica Parker, to his family's holiday gathering with plans to propose... The family finds it difficult to warm up to Meredith because she is just too up-tight... so they begin "bullying" her... When she couldn't stand it anymore she asks her sister, Julie (Claire Danes), to accompany her... When Julie arrives, the family immediately welcomes her... After another disasterous night, she decided to get away but instead ended up going to the bar with another Stone son, Ben (Luke Wilson)... When Meredith and Ben did not return for the night, Everett and Julie tries to look for them but the two were no where to be found... Instead, Everett and Julie found themselves attracted to one another... The next day... everything spilt over... Sybil Stone (Diane Keaton) the mother, tells Everett she is sick and that getting married will not save her... He changes his mind about proposing to Meredith but when Meredith thought she had slept with Ben, she announces that she can't marry Everett only to find out nothing happened with Ben but by then she knew that Everett did not love her anymore and loved Julie instead... and Meredith now is falling for Ben... Finally things managed to fix themselves and the next Christmas they all came together will full hearts even with the mother gone... Also starring Rachel McAdams...
The movie really is just about the family and does not really convey any meaning... maybe about how even though they are disfunctional never the less they are family... Fell below my expectation... I think it was due to the fact that the plot tried to focus on too many of the family members rather than choosing just one couple... and hence it didn't really give a chance for any of the characters to be portrayed more in-depth... Overall disappointing and not very interesting...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 1/01/2006 10:11:00 pm
Happy New Year!
Retrospect: 2005 started off to a bad start for quite a lot of people... namely due to bombings and the Tsunami incident... But it was a relativel good start for me... I managed to get into Melbourne University to study civil engineering and commerce... Things looked bright and hopeful... but as the year passed by... things got worse and worse... many things happened most of which I can't and don't want to talk about... but as it reached the end of the year... I felt like I was the stupidest person in the world and I'm just ruining everything...
Resolution: Resolutions never work for me... mainly because I haven't made one serious enough for me to keep and partly because I am the lazy arse I am... But this coming year I will already be twenty... I'm not a teenager anymore... so it's really time to stop mucking around and get serious... All my friends already have... and so my resolution is to get off my fat arse and get things done and get it done right!! I foresee a tough year ahead so those of you who know me... pray for me... *wink*
And so... good luck to my friends who are waiting for their STPM results... Good luck to those who are waiting for the university of their choice to offer them a place... Good luck to my fellow comrades in university (college) life... hang in there... and lastly good luck to the world so that it may be less damaged than it was the year before... Cheers...
Happy New Year! Labels: my news |
posted by
WanTse @ 1/01/2006 11:55:00 am
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
See my complete profile
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