Wednesday, November 29, 2006 |
Happy Feet
Yes another penguin flick... Since hatching Mumble has had a tough life... unlike other penguins Mumble has "happy feet" aka he is tap happy... he loves to tap dance... while other penguins sing their heart song... also he was quite a late developer... and it turns out that he is a really bad singer... His happy feet made him an outcast when the elders blame him for the scarcity of fish that year... Mumble knows that there's something out there which is causing it something he calls aliens (but is atually us humans who are doing mass fishing in Antartica)... so he goes off to find out what happened to all the fish and to stop it...
Pretty good animation... the "latino" penguins are hilarious...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/29/2006 08:42:00 pm
Based on the video game Dead Or Alive... DOA is a private fighter competition hosted by some rich guy for the best of the best of each fighting "style"... This time around there is a host who is planning to create a high tech fighting companion by downloading the moves of the best fighters into a pair of glasses which helps the fighter wearing the glasses figure out what moves to make... In the mean time... two of the fighters intend on stealing the money for the competition... one fighter is there to find her brother who dissapeared after the previous year's competition... and as everyone is up to their own agendas the competition gets really heated up...
The movie itself was rather lame but it was entertaining...Labels: movie |
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WanTse @ 11/29/2006 08:42:00 pm
Casino Royale
The new bond film... yes what can I say... this installment of the 007 series is actually the beginning of James Bond's life as an MI6 agent... But some things are rather off for one thing 'M' was already in charge in Casino Royale but in Goldeneye she was supposed to be the new head but Goldeneye would have happened after Casino Royale... so I don't know what the deal was... But who cares... also the Bond in this movie was very different from all his predecessors not wearing much of the suit until he was forced to... doesn't drink his usual "vodka martini. shaken, not stirred"... doesn't introduce himself as "Bond. James Bond" until the very end which I guess is supposed to be a statement... and wasn't given and high tech gadgets which I guess is because Q hasn't come into the picture yet... Also this James Bond seemed more impatient and agressive than usual maybe because he is still "young". But nonetheless the opening chase was excellent... much of the credit given to the African prisoner guy that Bond was after... that guy can jump like a tick... Anyway Bond's adventure this time cconsists of stopping a group of terrorist bombers and the people who fund them... and part of it was to compete in a poker tournament... not much cars chasing or blowing up stuff this tme around...
Overall the movie was still good... gives insight onto who James Bond is but is rather confusing considering we've gotten to know Bond as this really charismatic, suave, classy kind of man... I still however do not agree with the choice for the new bond... Daniel Craig just doesn't have the look and charisma... even if he can do the action...Labels: movie |
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WanTse @ 11/29/2006 08:16:00 pm
The Prestige
Two illusionists Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) start of as partners and friends... but when one of their trick went wrong which caused Angier's wife to die... the two became enemies for life... and from there their goal was to prove that the one was better than the other... and in doing so they were willing to sacrifice anything and anyone... however the tricks became more and more dangerous which caused both harm, as well as those around them...also the plot thickens when it seemed that Angier's last trick was to frame Borden for his death...
Excellent movie... it gets more and more complicated as the movie progresses and more and more secrets are revealed... towards the end you won't know who was the guilty one... Watch it... You'll enjoy it...Labels: movie |
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WanTse @ 11/29/2006 08:04:00 pm
When Bartleby Gaines realized he was not accepted into any of the colleges he applied to... his father's dissapointed drove him to desperation where he decides to -fake- a college while he worked on getting into a real one... However when the website that his friend designed for his fake college accepted everyone who applied for it... he decides to revolutionise learning by letting the students decide what the want to learn of which includes courses like: walking around and thinking about stuff, blowing things up with your mind, bullshitting, and bumper stickers... also the students are also the teachers...
His idea is quite interesting I have to say and if such a college existed I would so love to go there... a pretty entertaining movie... but mind you it's a teen flick...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/29/2006 07:49:00 pm
Little Miss Sunshine
The movie revolves around the Hoover family who are a little disfuntional: the grandpa is a rude loud-mouth old man who got kicked out of retirement home, the dad is a struggling motivational speaker who is trying to get his book published, the mom might be the only normal one, the son has taken a vow of silence until he achieves his dream of becoming a jet pilot, the daughter is happy-go-lucky and dreams of winning pageants, and the uncle who had tried to kill himself after a string of misfortunes in life... When the family got news that the little girl was to compete in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant in California... the decide to drive there together as no one in the family was to be left alone... and during their journey from Albuquerque... the family comes to face the harsh realities of life but also know that they could always count on eah other for support...
The movie itself was pretty good... it's one of those indie kind of movies... sometimes it could get a little boring but I enjoyed it nonetheless...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/29/2006 07:10:00 pm
Sunday, November 19, 2006 |
Home... Home On The Range...
Not exactly on the range... And another semester has just ended and I am home... I wish I could have stayed longer in Melbourne but sadly couldn't... Oh well... and so the holiday begins... Hmmmm... Labels: random |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/19/2006 02:05:00 am
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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