Saturday, April 30, 2005 |
No Life... No Entries... No Downloads!!??!!
Sigh... I guess if anyone has actually even bothered checking my blogs... they would be extremely bored and dissapointed at the amount of time they have been wasting in order to load my page only to find that there has been no new entries since the 19th... Sorry guys... it's just that I really don't know what to blog about since I have nothing interesting going on in my life... I have no social life... and not really a lot of friends here... and practically not interested in doing anything but sit in front of my laptop and watch The O.C. season 2... I'm so totally obsessed with it right now... I remember telling my sister that The O.C. sucks and that it has way too much drama... Well it still has way too much drama but it doesn't suck anymore... hahaha... But I'm like so totally bugging now because the line which I use to download stuff is gone... and I'm afraid it may be gone forever... does that mean no more downloading!!! GASP!!! No it can't be... I feel so sad right now... sob sob... Oh I should ask Vin Li to help me get episode 21!!! Okay... so that's it... Cheers... (Skips off to go find Vin Li...) |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/30/2005 11:10:00 pm
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 |
I've been wonderingfor a week or so now whether or not I should cut my hair here or wait till I got back... Finally I decided to just go for it... I chopped off my long hair and opted to go back to my usual, since I was like 9, short hair... ahhh well... it's much more comfortable now anyway... seriously... Now the decision is to colour my hair... Shocked?!?!?!?!?!?! Those who know me well might be since I have refused to colour my hair since I got my white hairs... but now I'm thinking about it... What do you think? Maybe I'll go back to Malaysia and do it... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/19/2005 06:10:00 pm
Monday, April 18, 2005 |
Sunny Side Up
I thought that I would be waking up to a bad day but it turned out pretty well... well for now anyway since the day is obviously not over... Anyway yeah so I left for classes a little late but managed to get there on time... The thing was my first lesson was actually a test... Math test to be exact and let's just say I haven't exactly been going all out to study for this one since it's won't even necessarily be counted... in the end the test was actually pretty simple... in fact one of the easiest one I've sat for for the past 5 years I think... but I also did not know how to do two questions... my vectors suck but hey it's okay... I think I can still pass... then my Micro Econs tute was so fun... instead of our usual pink sheet work we had a little game to demonstrate the effects of a perfectly competative market in a small scale... it was like an auction game where there are buyers and sellers... Ah man it's so fun!!! The I got back my first assignment... 8 of 10... not bad ei... Well it's pretty good considering I wrote absolutely rubbish answers and did it at the last moment... Then my accounts tute was boring like usualy but somehow less boring than usual... got my first assignment back as well and I got... 12.5 of 15... according to my tutor the mark range is from about 12 to 8 so I'm top of the scale... not too bad... and I wrote absolutely rubbish answers... I think Vin Li can't figure out why I can write so little only whilst she write super long answers... Who knows... I've always been doing that... even like for History in high school my answers were always just like short sentence answers but I still got my marks... Hmmm... isn't it a wonder? Hahahaha... well ge'day to ya!! Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/18/2005 04:59:00 pm
Sunday, April 17, 2005 |
Mahjong!!! MAHJONG!!!
Okay so I went to play mahjong again yesterday... And it was Cah-ray-zee!!! Okay so I went over to Daniel/Jon's place... meaning IH (International House, the college I was initially supposed to go to)... I have to say... I'm glad that I actually decided on the apartment over IH even though I would've met a lot of people there but I feel absolutely comfortable in my place... Anyway so yeah Vin Li and I got there at about 9.30 or something... And that was the start... seriously I have to say that feng shui was a big part of yesterday's mahjong fate... those who sat facing south won more often which by the way includes me... I won about 4 times... it's not bad considering it was only my second time and also that we played with point rules this time... Oh man it was so FUN!!! Vin Li keeps telling me bridge is more fun though... but yeah then in the middle of our mahjong time we all sat down to watch the Liverpool vs. Tottenham game which by the way ended up 2-2 which is such a disspointment for me... DAMN all those London supporters... but it was an exciting match... loads of scoring chances... after the match we went back for 3 more rounds and finally finished at about 3.15 am... When I got back... AMAZINGLY... my beloved housemates were still awake with Ivy studying so studiously... and Priscilla with her architoture... oh I mean architecture assignment... Pris if you are reading this... for what it's worth it looks nice and like you put a lot of thought into it... ;P Hmmm yeah I didn't sleep till about 4.40 am and I woke up at about 9.50 am... I tell you mahjong is seriously addictive... arrgghhhh... man oh man... it's a good thing we play for FUN ONLY!!! Hahahaha... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/17/2005 10:11:00 am
Thursday, April 14, 2005 |
Bad Weather
Only one word is needed to describe today... RAINY!! I got up at about 7 something... looked out of my window and there it was... the rain... and the wind... I decided it was still too early to get up so I went back to sleep and after what seemed like a long time of sleep but in fact was just maybe about 15 minutes... the rain was still around... it was rather cold... maybe coldest since I got here... so I got up... and like usual first thing I do is check up on my laptop activity... Fiddled around a bit and the rain was still pouring... for a moment it looked as though it would stop soon but got heavier instead... By the time I started making breakfast it was still raining... and I think you can guess by now... it was practically raining the whole day... they scene was perfect for some 'Mary Poppins' umbrella action... you know the part where Mary Poppins was coming down with her umbrella and a gust of reall strong wind blew away all the other nannies?! Well yeah... I could actually see people walking like they were fighting against the wind... and I'm pretty sure some umbrellas were turn inside out today... Hahahaha... haven't tried that personally but according to my housemates it can get pretty nasty!! And finally finally FINALLY... we managed to get our stupid internet connection working with some pure dumb luck!!! Guess it's the rainbow after the storm kinda shit... hahaha... but seriously... Thank God!!!! Been fussing for 2 days... but I can't seem to get my wireless to connect properly to my line... so I actually have to sit on the ground right outside Priscilla's room, where the router is located, plug in my laptop and do my stuff there... how pathetic ei!! Damn my stupid laptop... or rather my lousy knowledge of the laptop... arrggghhh!!! I tried... I really did... sigh... Hope there will be good weather tomorrow... Oh and another thing... something really interesting happened in my apartment today... it was only me at home... and I was cooking and had the TV on... At first I didn't really notice anything weird but then I heard something like an alarm... so I went out to the balcony and checked... yeah there was an alarm ringing... I was wondering where it was from... the I saw fire engines coming from a distance... the station is pretty close by... So then I opened my apartment door to see what was going on and I heard an evacuation alert... amazingly I didn't panic... maybe it was all the boring fire drills in high school that made me cool... I switched off the TV... closed the balcony door... switched off the oven which had my lunch in it... grabbed my passport and keys and took the stairs down... I'm on top level by the way so had to walk ALL THE WAY DOWN... After some fiddling around the firemen managed to turn off the alarm and it seemed to have been some false alarm... well it was not from my building anyway... So then everyone just went back up to continue whatever they were doing... At the time when I got down from my apartment... I realised I had forgotten two really REALLY essential item... my wallet and my handphone!! Hahahaha... So lesson of the story is... I am so stupid... hahahaha... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/14/2005 11:48:00 pm
Wednesday, April 13, 2005 |
Bon Appetito
Hey my peeps... hahaha... just wanted to announce that I've just started a new blog and it's dedicated to food food FOOD!!! It will include recipes, reviews and so on... Hope you guys will check it out... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/13/2005 08:55:00 pm
Monday, April 11, 2005 |
The Artful Dodger
As I've written in the previous entry I got 6 hours sleep after the night of playing mahjong and then the next day I tried to complete my assignment/decision making/read for debate but it just wasn't working... especially the assignment... They were all due Monday (today) and I couldn't work out the solutions for my Math assignment... arrgghhh... it was torturing... then that night I had to do the reading for the Intro Micro debate... my gosh... I tell you my eyes are sore!!! They ache as though someone had punched me right in the eye... pain pain pain... but luckily all started going straight again and I manged to complete all of the above relatively well... Hahahaha... I thank God for that... Hope he treats you as well as me... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/11/2005 11:19:00 pm
Monday, April 04, 2005 |
Back To Uni
Another holiday wasted... just like all the previous school holidays I've had... I just bummed around doinf absolutely nothing... hahahaha... Ahhhh... and managed to hand in my Accounts decision making module... so that was good and my answer was relatively correct... hahaha... thanks to my much loved sister inn London and trustie friend Vin Li!! Thanks sooooo much!!! Also had a little treat today... my friend Barry who is taking Music and Commerce combined degree asked me to go see the string orchestra he was playing in... he plays the cello... and it was really good... seriously... just like the pros... well I guess that makes sense since they are training to be pros... hahaha... loved it... yeap so I guess this means I will probably not have anything interesting to say for some time now... not like I update that often anyway... hehehe... Cheers... |
posted by
WanTse @ 4/04/2005 02:56:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
Current Obsession:
Current TV Shows:
House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
See my complete profile
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 Sleeping Disorder