Thursday, September 29, 2005 |
Most Fun I Had All Year...
It was much really... The third amigo from Adelaide, Li Chin, came down for holiday and managed to meet up with her and Yan Zhen to hang out... We did mostly eating really... Hahaha... and just walking around but it was really the best time I've had since I got to Melbourne... I think mostly because finally had people who "got" me... We think alike so I don't have to frustrate myself trying to make people understand me or them not knowing what the hell I'm going on about... Yeah so it was really really good for me to get together with them... Well she should be arriving at the airport as I'm' writing... Safe flight Li Chin... C ya back in KL... and yes hopefully Penang... Cheers... Labels: activity, my news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/29/2005 04:45:00 pm
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 |
Australian Idol: Final 10
This week's theme is rock supergroups!! Sounds good?!?! Well turns out... not really... During the week... the AuI Final 10 has had loads to do... travelling down to Melbourne for a performance in Federation Square and on Saturday at the MCG for the AFL finals... which the Swans won!!! GO SWANS!!! Anyway back to the topic... and of course AuI live performances were on Sunday... so they didn't have time for much practice and rest... but I guess that's not really an excuse... Maybe it's because I don't really fancy rock music... but I thought that the performances were a little lame... Dan was alright but I reckon his choice of song wasa wrong even though it gets the crowd going but it doesn't show his talent... Lee had another brilliant performance... showing that you don't need a super voice to entertain a crowd... I like Anne's performance myself... and Emily had a very good night indeed... the judges loved her... I thought she was ok... I don't really fancy her but I have to admit she's really good...
The bottom three for the week was James, Laura and Daniel... and the one sent packing was Laura... FINALLY!!! But she really was the worst this week... she admits she's not a rock chick but I think that's not an excuse... Idols need to be able to make the song their own... like Lee he made a rock song into a punk/rock song which fitted him really well... This is my comment about Laura... putting my prejudice against her aside... Yes she has a great voice... she's actually doing a music degree and majoring in vocals... good luck to her on that... but what I think is that maybe she's too classical and technical... She lacks the ability to understand the music she's singing and conveying it to the audience... we hear but not listen... her stage presentation lacks the x-factor... and she's not versatile... and I think she doesn't know how to pick song which suites her... All in all... she's just boring and I think she was lucky to have gotten this far even... But James and Daniel live to sing another day... Oh I have to say this as well... I think if James stopped doing those weird dance moves he likes to do so much... he may not en up in the bottom 3... and Daniel needs to look like he's going to explode everytime he sings... his neck goes all strain-ish and his face goes red... but he likes to shout I guess... Well until next week... Cheers...Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/27/2005 10:31:00 am
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 |
Dutch Masters... Bravisimo!!
Oh man... the exhibition was AWESOME!!! I feel so geeky now... But seriously... man the paintings displayed were so good... duh... but it's been soooo long since I properly enjoyed art... Man I loved so many of them... There was this one painting, which I can't remember who did it... hehehe, but it looked sooooo real and it's almost like the guy in the painting was sticking out... spooky!!! Rembrandt's paintings were of course great but some where smaller than I expected... Hahaha... and they didn't have some of the ones I really wanted to see like The Night Watch, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp, The Descent From The Cross and The Slaughtered Ox... I was rather dissapointed that they only had one Vermeer painting... The Love Letter... which is supposed to be his most famous one so at least they had that... I wanted to see The Allegory Of Painting and Girl With A Pearl Earring... some of you might know remember that as the title of the film with Scarlett Johansson... Anyway there were quite a number of great paintings there... worth my money... wanted to buy the book as well... but it was AU$39.95... too much... sigh... Too bad there weren't more works... Hahaha... really want to see more... Yeap so if you are in Melbourne and like art... I recommend you go see the exhibition... It ends on 2nd November 2005... Adult ticket costs Au$20, Consession Au$16 and Full time student Au$10... Cheers... Labels: exhibition |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/21/2005 05:18:00 pm
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 |
I didn't really plan anything for today but ended up doing more than expected... The only thing I planned was to go to the gym... So I went to the gym for and hour... Then I thought... what the hey... why waste the tram ticket I had... So I decided to go to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to see what it's like... so I went around to look at my favourite type of art... Renaissace and Classic Art... 1400-1800s... They have a collection of Durer's work... which was quite exciting... had a few other great artists as well like Titian, Rubens, Bernini, El Greco, Manet, Rembandt, Turner, Monet... But only their minor works... I'm quite dissapointed but what can I expect... not like it's De Lourve... I wanna go back to the National Gallery in London and go visit Tate Britain as well... But I think I will go back tomorrow or maybe Thursday for the Ducth masters collection!!! Hope it's worth my money... quite excited... Hehehe... Anyway when I was going around the gallery... I suddenly had a very weird thought... I was thinking I when I go back I want the tram ticket inspectors to have a check on my tram so I would know how it was like... and guess what!!! On my way back.... a group of inspectors came onto my tram... Hahaha... I was like... oh ok... so weird... my first check... way way weird... Yeap I'm so into art right now... if only I had someone here who likes art as well... It's weird to go to galleries alone... when I went there today... mostly old people... Hahaha... Well anyway... Cheers... Labels: activity, culture, exhibition, my news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/20/2005 04:42:00 pm
Monday, September 19, 2005 |
Australian Idol: Final 11
I forgot to mention last week that it was Aussie Nite... This week was 60's Nite... I have to say that this week's performances were on average better than last week's but there were no particularly outstanding performances like last week... I would say that Kate, Anne, Dan, Emily and Lee were the better ones... As the judges said Lee isn't very strong vocally but he's very smart and he knows how to pick his songs and he knows just how to work the crowd... Dan like usual gave a great performance but this week he seems to be a little weary of his vocals during the high parts... Kate was good and confident... Emily was awesome but straying towards the yelling side and Anne was good but lost a little bit of her magic from last week... Milly was back to her groovy self this week but not absolutely... I think the most dissapointing was Natalie... her rendition of Dancing In The Streets wasn't that good...
This week the bottom three were James, Laura and Natalie... and the one who left is... Natalie... You know Laura must have a loooooot of support from her family and friends because when the interview people no one mentions her... Well anyway... glad the guys are still in... Hehehe... Cheers...Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/19/2005 08:12:00 pm
Thursday, September 15, 2005 |
Must Love Dogs
I'm so tired of writing synopsises... Here's the one from Yahoo! movies... Sarah Hurlihy (Diane Lane), a divorced preschool teacher who has sworn off dating after her bad breakup, finds her family pushing her back into the dating world. Her sister places a personal ad for her, declaring that anyone answering it "must love dogs," despite the fact that Sarah doesn't own a dog herself. When someone intriguing responds to the ad, she decides to borrow Mother Theresa, her brother's dog, and plunge in. Also stars John Cusack as the male lead.
It's been quite some time since they made nice romantic comedies... and this would be a good start... When I say romantic comedy... it does not include teen flicks... A fun movie to watch... believable... I love both Lane and Cusack... so for me it's worth a watch... But still not as good as some of the older romantic comedies... Cheers...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/15/2005 03:38:00 pm
The Island
Starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson... This movie begins in a weird facility which is deemed to be paradise... It is supposedly a containment facility for the surviving mankind after a deadly virus swept the earth distroying all living this... However Lincoln Six-Echo (McGregor) has many unanswered question and his hunger to find them grows day-by-day... For example... if there is a virus going around for years in the outside world... How do they keep finding new people... In this facility... the residents live by strict rules and routine procedures waiting for the day the win the "lottery" to go to "The Island" which is the only place left on earth that is not infected... As he waits for his turn to go to The Island... Lincoln befriends Jordan Two-Delta (Johansson) and he recently kept having the same dream over and over of him drowning on his way to The Island... One day Jordan wins the lottery and Lincoln feels a little weary of letting her go because he had found a live "flying bug" from the outside world and found it suspicious... So he decides to go investigate... When he does... he finds that instead of the going to The Island... the people chosen were killed for one reason or another... With this he goes to warn Jordan but the facility directors find out and starts to chase after him... They have no choice but to runaway with the help of Lincoln's friend who works for the facility as a maintanence officer... They find out that everything they know about the world is a lie... They are actually clones of real people in the outside world who are kept as "insurance policies" for medical purposes... After escaping the facility they are continued to be chased after by the facility officers... Meanwhile the facility directors find that within a few "batch" of their clones there were some errors where the real person's memories weree tranfered to the clones by accident making them able to think more accurately than they are supposed to... and Lincoln and Jordan were in those batches... with that the facility prepares to "dispose" of those clones and make fresh batches... which means they wre going to kill all the defected clones... When Lincoln and Jordan found out the plan they decide to go back and save the clones...
The movie itself was quite excellent really... or maybe cause of Ewan McGregor... Hahaha... but... I can't wrap my finger around something that's missing... To me it felt like the movie lacked the depth to make the story come alive... Sure it had action and suspense and all that but something didn't feel quite right... it was like when one part starts to get good... the movie moves on to the next part really abruptly... but I guess you can't make the movie too long can you... But I enjoyed the movie... I used to think that Scarlett Johansson wasn't that pretty and her voice was kinda annoying... she sounded like she had a permanent sore throat... But I thought she was absolutely gorgeous in this movie...!! Worth a watch I would say... Cheers...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/15/2005 02:19:00 pm
Monday, September 12, 2005 |
To tell the truth I only watched it because the lead voice was Ewan McGregor... Hehe... It's an animation... About a pigeon named Valiant who decides to join the RHPS (Royal Homing Pigeon Service) who serve as carrier pigeons during the World War II... It's basically about how the little pigeon Valiant overcame obstacles and everyone doubts to become the nation's hero... Not too bad but it's kinda boring at times... I just love Ewan... Hehehe... Cheers... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/12/2005 11:06:00 pm
Australian Idol: Final 13/12

This is the first year I've seen Australian Idol but I can definitely say that this year's final is packed with talent... These 13 finalist are all just so different and talented... I would even go as far as saying they are better than most of the American Idol finalists... Amongst all I only dislike one... Laura... no offence to anyone who thinks she's great... I don't know wny... I just don't like her... My favourites are Anne, Dan, Daniel and Milly... But I would put my money on Dan... he's just so cool and I absolutely love his voice... It's like contemporary blues-jazz type... Oh you've just got to listen to him... He's absolutely amazing!! Hehe...
As you would have noticed... there are 13 finalists instead of the traditional 12... This is because Roxanne had been so close to getting in twice and she never let the judges down so they decide to let her in... Which means that this week... 2 people had to go and those two were Tarni and Chris... Initially I really liked Chris... he was cool but then his charm started to fade and his song choices were a little dodgy... I was dissapointed with Lee's performance... the song was a little too mellow for him... he needs punk rock songs...!!! And the only other rather dissapointing person was James who just seem to not make any progress with his nerves... But Dan and Anne were AWESOME!!! For anyone in Australia... catch Australian Idol on Channel 10 at 7.30pm on Sunday for the live performances and Monday for the live verdict... Cheers... Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/12/2005 10:41:00 pm
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo
The sequel to Deuce Bigalow... Anyone remember that show?! Well it picks off from where they left of previously but slightly more in the future... Deuce married the girl with the plastic leg... but during their honeymoon... she was attacked by a shark and the only thing left was her fake leg... Then due to some misunderstanding... he was wanted by the police and so decided to head to Amsterdam to visit his friend... and then all the adventure begins... This time it's about a killer who's after the "male prostitutes"... Deuce saw the killer from a distance during one of the killing and decides to go after the killer... Of course it involves going on dates with a series of really odd women... but in between all that he finds a new love interest... Not too bad but kinda crappy... Watch if you love comedies but don't both if you don't like dirty jokes very much... Cheers... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/12/2005 09:41:00 pm
The Dukes Of Hazzard
I'm not sure how many of you know this but... I absolutely dislike the Simpson sisters... NOT the show... the sisters... Well anyway... yeah so I was really reluctant to watch the show because of Jessica... but it just looked good... and yeah it turned out that the show was awesome... the car chases were a little long which made it tiring but it was still exciting...!! I absolutely loved it even though the plot was a little lame but it was entertaining... As for Jessica... I think she fit into her role pretty well... her character mostly uses her body to seduce men to get what she wants... Hmmm... So basically the show is about the Duke family... 3 cousins and an uncle... and the two male cousins are wild and thrill seakers!!! They get into some trouble and uncovers the town's big shot's evil scheme and tries to stop him but they get into more and more trouble... But of couse in the end they save the day... A MUST watch... Thumb up... Cheers... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/12/2005 09:22:00 pm
Bomb Threat!!!
My dear housemates came back from grocery shopping about two hours ago... and they said people were lining up to stock up supplies...!!! And do you know why?!?! Because late yesterday, a videotape of a message from Al-Qaeda was televised on ABC News in the US and it names LA and MELBOURNE as their next target... of course no one knows if it is true but knowing that things are so unpredictable these days... no one is taking any chances... I have no idea wnat all this is going to mean but it's making everyone a little jittery... so I just want to tell my friends and family that I love you guys... hahaha... I don't think I've ever mentioned it... I so miss all my friends... Pray to God everyone will be safe... God Bless!! Cheers... Labels: news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/12/2005 09:06:00 pm
Saturday, September 10, 2005 |
Sky High
This is Disney's newest movie... not an animation... basically based in a world where superheros do exist... Will Stronghold son of two of the world's greatest superheros, The Commander who has super strength and Jetstream who has super sonic flight, is on his way to an elite and secret school for superhero children, Sky High Academy... The only problem is... he has NO super powers!! So he is deranked to being a sidekick... Then in an incident where the son of one of the supervillian that The Commander put into jail goes after Will... he discovers he actually has super strength... after that he became the celebrity of the school... and he was reinstated as a hero... With his new found celebrity status... he ditches his sidekick friends for a more socialable hero friends... which made him into a jerk... of course he later realises his mistake but then he has a bigger problem... a villian is out to get the whole of Sky High Academy... Everyone was caught in a trap and the only people who got away were Will who wasn't there and his bunch of friends... So Will comes to the rescue... he later finds that he can fly as well... Yes and everything ends happily ever after...
Personally I thought the movie was rather lame... but entertaining kind of lame... you know... not really worth going to the cinema for... Only watch it if you like kid shows or have a lot of free time... like me... Hahaha... Cheers...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/10/2005 10:17:00 pm
Wedding Crashers
If you don't know what this movie is about already... It's about two friends who are professional wedding crashers where they crash weddings to meet girls... Then at "the" wedding of the year... one of them meets a girl who is crazy about him and is literally crazy and would not let him go... the other fell for a the crazy girl's sister who already has a boyfriend... So anyway this movie is pretty hilarious... it usually is with Owen Wilson around... A pretty enjoyable summer movie... Everyone should watch it!!! Cheers... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/10/2005 10:10:00 pm
Friday, September 09, 2005 |
National Security vs. Human Rights
Where do we draw the line between national security and human rights?! Australian Prime Minister John Howard has recently decided to raise the level of national security by implimenting a really harsh counter-terrorist regime... Some of which includes:
- suspects to wear tracking devices for up to a year.
- police able to hold suspects for 48 hours without charge during a terrorist incident.
- AFP (Australian Federal Police) to gain stop, question and search powers.
- 12-month wait for citizenship grows to three years.
- leaving bags unattended at airports and inciting violence to become offences.
- ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation) search warrants to remain active for three years.
Of course these laws apply only during terror alerts or following an attack. The point of course is to minimise any chances of repeated attacks. This regime has outraged Islamic leaders whom, only last month, attended a Muslim summit to condemn terrorist activity. The Islamic leaders are now convinced that any good achieved in the summit have been undoned by the counter-terrorist regime. Federation of Islamic Councils president Ameer Ali said that this action will only antagonise and alienate moderates. So where do you draw a line between national security and human rights? Is tracking someone who is "suspected" to be a terrorist violating their rights? Would implimenting these laws help or only make people even angrier? Is it really fair to the "suspects". After all they could be innocent. And even terrorist are humans. Well you know what I mean. So do you think it's right to be able to control people so tightly? Okay picture this, a bomb goes off and you just happened to be there. Then when the police come after you, you panic and start to run. When they catch you, you obviously seem like a suspect. You deny. They can't seem to find any evidence so they have to keep you in custody. Then when the time is up, they have no choice but to let you go but to keep risk minimised so they tag you. How would you feel? Okay it's a little far fetched but hey it could happen in an extreme situation... So is it the right decision?! Labels: P.O.V. |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/09/2005 09:04:00 pm
Monday, September 05, 2005 |
Father's Day Tragedy...
Nothing to do with me but I find it rather... erm not interesting but worth a note... Yesterday was Father's Day in Australia... One father brought his three sons out for a celebration and on the way back that night he lost control of his car and plunged into a river... tragedy was that he survived by his three sons died!! How much more tragic can a Father's Day get!!! God bless their souls man... Labels: news, random |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/05/2005 08:00:00 pm
Thursday, September 01, 2005 |
Did You Know?
We all know about the "Leaning Tower of Pisa"... Do you know why it's leaning?! If you don't already know... it's because of a failing foundation which part of the tower sits on... So anyway over the years the tower hand been tilting more and more and even began speding up... This caused the stakeholders to worry and so had to come up with a plan to "save" the tower...
As a short term solution they put weights on the higher side to create a moment to counter the tilting movement... But of course that won't last forever so they needed another plan...
 What they did was ingenious... The plan was to insert a rod into the ground on the higher side and slowly remove some of the soil so that the higher side will slowly sink back... However due to tourism reasons they decided not to get the building to a vertical position... and just let it sit slightly tilted at a safe angle...
Hahaha... isn't that amusing... Cheers...Labels: fact |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/01/2005 04:26:00 pm
A First...
Today marks a very first for me... I just got my FIRST pay check and I'm damn proud of it... Hahaha... it really does feel great earning your wn money!! Even though it was for a small sum of AU$ 66.00 but I only worked for 4 hours so I reckon thats pretty good... I'm going for an interview tomorrow to get a second job... wish me luck!! Cheers... Labels: my news |
posted by
WanTse @ 9/01/2005 03:15:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
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House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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