Wednesday, November 23, 2005 |
Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire
Excellent... Best of all the Harry Potter films so far... very exciting... Everything that's been said is quite true... it's darker... funnier and more exciting... but the only thing is it didn't really do justice to the book... because they had to cut out quite a lot to fit it into 2 1/2 hours... I have to say that Daniel Radcliffe's acting has improved... the girls have grown prettier... the twins look better with long hair... Neville looks good... thinner and so adorable... Katie Leung has a weird accent... Robert Pattinson who plays Cedrick Diggory isn't how I imagine when reading the book... should be cuter... Oh they also changed to story a little... the maze part could have been a little more impressive... the dragon scene was good... the underwater part was good as well... there was one really weird part where Hermione and Ron started fighting and then the scene diverges and comes back where Hermione goes mental... and I really didn't get it... and I totally forgot what goes on in the book so I got really confused... But Emma Watson's really good though... strong performance... Ok... all good... so go watch... everyone so has to watch it!!!!!!!!!!! Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/23/2005 08:44:00 pm
Monday, November 21, 2005 |
The Australian Idol Is...
Okay so the Australian Idol has finally come to an end... the Final itself wasn't really spectacular... I was rather disappointed with the performances really... how sad... Oh the winner's single is a rather mellow song... Maybe Tonight... not bad but nothing wow about it... personally I think it would be a great song for a country pop singer... the melody has a country-ish sound to it... ah if only I could sing it the way it's played in my head...
Blah... anyway... the result show is more interesting with performances from the past idol winners and runners-up... as well as this year's final 13... and some really great fireworks... Bad thing was it took forever for them to announce it... x_x And it really was a sucky result... Kate is the 2005 Australian Idol... bleak... yuck... she's soooooo boring... ZZZzzz... Sorry Em... but don't worry you'll do well... And Lee... you rock!!!! Cheers!!!Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/21/2005 10:09:00 pm
Saturday, November 19, 2005 |
The Brothers Grimm
What does Snow White, Jack and The Beanstalk and The Frog Prince have in common? They were all creations of the Brothers Grimm... the legendary brother duo Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm who "created" fairy tales that are now relatively immortalised by all of us... Anyway the movie tells of two brothers who have make their living by getting rid of "evil" in little towns... they have two men who create the disturbance in the town and the tow brothers will put on a show to distroy the evil... That is until one day they were forced to solve mysterious disapperances of 11 girls in a little village with an enchanted forest... They soon find out that this was for real and they really is "something" in the forest... It turned out that that "something" was a 500-somewhat-year-old queen who has been cursed and requires 12 youthful girls to gain back her life as "the faires of them all"... So the Grimm brothers fight and save the day... Quite a good movie... funny... enchanting... a mix of reality and fairy tales... I actually didn't want to watch it at first because I hate the two main actors Matt Damon (Wil) and Heath Ledger (Jake)... but decided to give it a go... I liked Heath in this movie but still hate Matt... but it was good... give it a go... Cheers... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/19/2005 03:29:00 pm
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 |
Australia Makes World Cup Germany 2006 Finals!!!
After a 1-0 come back in the second leg of the two leg World Cup qualifier between Australia and Uruguay... It all came down to a penalty shootout!! The heros of the night were Schwarzer (the Australian goalkeeper)... saving two of the four penalties taken by Uruguay... and Aloisi who scored the winning penalty... giving Australia a win of 4-2...!!!! And they FINALLY make it to the finals after all these years... and what better time to qualify then to go back to the place where they once previously qualified... Alright!!! Which means that the teams that qualified are:
Africa Angola (ANG) Cote d'Ivoire (CIV) [Ivory Coast] Togo (TOG) Ghana (GHA) Tunisia (TUN)
Asia Japan (JPN) Iran (IRN) Korea Republic (KOR) Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Europe Germany (GER) Ukraine (UKR) Netherlands (NED) Poland (POL) England (ENG) Croatia (CRO) Italy (ITA) Portugal (POR) Sweden (SWE) Serbia and Montenegro (SCG) France (FRA)
North America United States of America (USA) Mexico (MEX) Costa Rica (CRC)
Oceania Australia
South America Argentina (ARG) Brazil (BRA) Ecuador (ECU) Paraguay (PAR)
It's mayhem in Australia... the people in Melbourne are going nuts... the people are driving around the city honking their horns and shouting and singing!!! It's certainly great great news even for a country that soccer ins't that huge... Cheers...Labels: news |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/16/2005 11:13:00 pm
Australian Idol: Final 3
I totally forgot to blog this week's results... Well the theme was No.1 hits... and each had to sing two songs... I can reall say much because all of them were good of course... I think Emily was the best... and I like Lee... ;p
Ok so... I was already guessing that Lee would go... well because he was bottom two last week anyway... and it was partly because I voted...!! And well... that's what happened... Lee's out... sob sob so sad... I love his work... but what the heck... you don't have to win to become successful... So good luck to ya mate and Emily I will be cheering for you!!!Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/16/2005 03:12:00 pm
Saturday, November 12, 2005 |
Didn't Think Much Of It...
Ok... so I was out grocery shopping like I do every Saturday... but turns out today had something extra... I headed towards the Asian grocery section and the was this broken bottle of pickled capsicum of some sort... I didn't think much of it because it wasn't really my business anyway and being a Malaysian I didn't really care for it... but I did think of reporting it after I was done browsing through the section... So I was just nicely going through the sauces that were available planning how to make my noodles for the meals for the week when I noticed this woman walking towards where I was and suddenly... *loud thud*... I looked around and there she was lying on the ground on the pool of oil/vinegar from the broken bottle... with her basket of grocery scattered everywhere... I asked her if she was ok... She said not really but managed to get up... So then I went to get one of the employees for help... The next thing I knew I was being interview on what happened... O_O Well I do hope that's all they need rom me because they asked me for my number... So yeah that's what happened... And now I have to be going to the market to get a honeydew with Yan Zhen because we're gonna make some honeydew sago!! Yum... Cheers!! Labels: random |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/12/2005 01:38:00 pm
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 |
Chicken Little
Excellent animation... I love the beginning of the movie... very funny... Well anyway the story begins by telling us what had happened to Chicken Little... some time ago... an incident happened where Chicken Little saw a piece of the sky fall and in a panic had sounded the town's emergency bell... causing a chaos... when the people came to see what was wrong... the piece of the sky which had fallen was gone... and there was no sign of any disaster... The people became mad and were convinced that Chicken Little was just crazy... And even now... people are still talking about the incident... His father was very embarrassed about the incident and Chicken Little wanted to make his father proud of him again... But time and time again he gets into trouble and his father needs to take the heat for it... Then as a last ditch... Chicken Little decides to join the school baseball team where his father was a legend... So in the finals the team was a point down and he was the only player left... he was told to take the walk but being the determined little chicken he is... he swings... and amazingly he makes it to the home plate safe!!! He was hailed the town's hero... But that night... as he was beginning to enjoy his new found fame... a piece of the past comes back to haunt him... Yes!!! A pieces of the sky fell again!!! But this time... he realises that that pieces of sky was more like an electronic plate... and this plate actually camouflages with it's background... this time... in a panic he calls his trusty friends Abby Mallard (Ugly Duckling), Runt of the Litter (a pig) and Fish Out of Water for help... When they arrive and strategise on what to do... Fish finds himself in a little trouble when the plate starts to fly away carrying him along and the rest chase after it only to find that the plate was part of an alien spaceship... They go in to find Fish and "discovers" that the earth might be in danger of an attack... When the aliens found them... they decide to go ring the town emergency bell again... but the aliens manage to escape in time and again the town's people were extremely angry with Chicken Little... But in the whole chaos... a baby alien had been left behind... the next morning... Chicken Little finds that the alien parents had brought backup to find their lost baby which include total annihilation of the earth... But Chicken had made friends with the baby alien and is determined to return him back and at the same time save the planet... Of course with the help of his father and friends he saves the day... It's seriously hilarious and great fun to watch!!!!! You will have barrels of laughter... and the characters are sooooo cute!!!!!! You'll love 'em... Yeah so go catch it... you won't regret it!!! Cheers... Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/08/2005 09:37:00 pm
Australian Idol: Final 4
A heat was definitely on with only 2 weeks left before the grand final... and with them singing songs from THE KING himself... Elvis...!! The final 4 were required to sing two songs from Elvis and I would say the best performance can from Dan followed Kate (WHY!!!)... Lee wasn't bad... he chose to sing Your Teddy Bear which was quite funny though... he actually threw a teddy bear into the crowd... so cute... Emily was good with her first song... but her second song to me was a disaster... she chose Can't Help Falling In Love... and I just thought that her rendition was terrible... too much doodling with the song... I very much prefer A-Teen's version... But overall no clear person was exceptional...
For this week, since there's only 4 left, there was only a bottom 2 instead of 3 and they were Dan (shock!!!!) and Lee... naturally I already knew Lee was going... I mean he's the least capable at singing... But personally I really wanted him to stay till top 3 and then let Dan and Emily battle it out or something like that... I was hoping Kate would go actually... I just don't like her... she seems very pretentious... anyway yeah so... I voted for Lee like maybe 20 times or something... I don't really know... I just used up the free credit I got... and you know what there was only 27 votes between the bottom two!!! That's like sooooooo close!!!!! But the shocker was... Dan was the person to leave!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!! So sad... I think he really thought he would get further... I think everyone thought so as well... at least further than Lee... I really don't know whether to feel guilty for voting for Lee or not... But I predict the final 2 will be Emily and Kate... Between those two... hopefully Emily will win... But I guess we'll have to see... Until next week... cheers...Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/08/2005 12:02:00 pm
Saturday, November 05, 2005 |
The Legend Of Zorro
In this second installment of Zorro movies... about 10 years have passed since the mask of Zorro had been passed to Alejandro... He still continues to fight for the freedom of the poor and oppressed people of California... and now the greatest chance for freedom has arrived... The people are called to vote on the matter of the state of California joining the Union with the rest of America... this means that the Spanish overlords will no longer have power over the people... So the greedy overlords have come up with a scheme to tear the nation apart... While Zorro continues to fight for justice... he is neglecting his family more and more... His wife Elena thinks he should quit to spend time with his family... but he says that the people still need Zorro and also he could never really give up that part of himself... After some 'bad guys' discovered Zorro's identity... Elena had no choice but to divorce Alejandro and going undercover... He however did not know the real reason but decided it was because of him not wanting to give up his mask... But slowly the pieces started falling into place and he discovers the evil overlord's plans and he and Elena join forces to defeat the bad guys... and also with a little help from their cheeky and mischievous 10-year-old son Joaquin... In the end Alejandro realises that his family was indeed the most important thing to him and would never want to lose them... and Elena also accepts that Zorro was not just who Alejandro was but also who the whole fmaily were...
The movie was pretty damn good actually... sequels are always hard to do but this one was exceptional... Still has it's charm and funny bits... and a good dose of action... However even though 10 years have passed... Alejandro and Elena have not really grown that much older... Hahaha...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/05/2005 03:34:00 pm
Friday, November 04, 2005 |
A pretty good movie... Starring Orlando Bloom as leading man and Kirsten Dunst as his opposite... also stars Susan Sarandon... The movie starts with a young and successful shoe designer, Drew (Bloom), who is now in the worst situation of his life... His most recent creation is a major flop and will cost the company $972 million (I think... can't remember) but his boss says that it such a large sum you can just round it off to $1 billion... So he was fired and went home "planning" to kill himself... that was until he received a ccall from his sister bearing another bad news... their father had died... As the elder of the two children and son, it was duty to arrange the funeral and get everything done... So he heads off to Kentucky... on the flight there he meets and extremely bubbly and high-spirited flight attendant, Claire (Dunst)... Before gettin off she give him directions to where he needed to be... When Drew arrives at the place, Elizabethtown, he finds that everyone in the town knows his father and loves him for that fact... The people are all happy-go-lucky country folks and he was just overwhelmed... Having no one to turn to he calls Claire who had given him her number along with the directions and they have a long phone conversation until they decided to meet up since she had some time... The two bond and were naturally attracted to one another but he had a girlfriend and she had a boyfriend but their other halves were those who weren't always there for them... but they decided to not act on impulse... On the night of the funeral dinner to toast to Drew's father, everything just fell into place... It seems that it took his fathers death to unite the whole family and also with the help of Claire thought him how to "live"... Claire arrives to give him a little gift which was a special map that she had made for him for his road trip home... The road trip was long overdued... he had planned to go on a road trip with his dad for some time now but he was always just to busy with work... so now he takes his father's ashes with him and scatters some of it at every stop he made on the way home... the journey home was very much a journey to self discovery... then he reaches the end of the map that Claire had made for him... he was to look for the next part of the map in the world's second largest market... in the second part of the map... he had two choices... to continue on his way home or... he could look for her... He decided to look for her... and he finds her...
The movie basically talks of how we are all so career minded that we lose track of what's important... and in the case of the movie it took the death of his father to help him live... It's quite a good laugh as well... Another good feel-good movie for the season...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/04/2005 06:13:00 pm
You know... only like maybe 6 months ago... I could just fall asleep the moment I lied on the bed... but NOW... it's like tossing and turning... arrggghhh... and I know why... I keep thinking... I can't stop... Thinking about exam... thinkig about arrangements for next year... thinking about why two fire engines have stopped at the next apartmentwith lights flashing and sirens ringing... wondering why drivers rive strangely at night... and all sorts of other rubbish... Anyone with a solution?! Labels: my news |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/04/2005 09:47:00 am
Thursday, November 03, 2005 |
Coming Soon: Hoodwinked
 I caught the teaser trailer on ET and I'm telling you this is a must watch for this Christmas... It's going to be a BARREL of a laugh!!!! The trailer however is not available yet to the general public openly... so you'll have to wait a bit... But I think you can tell that it's the story of Little Red Riding Hood... But this is not just any adaptation... It starts off at the end where there has been a huge commotion in Granny's cottage and the police, Chief Grizzly and Detective Bill Stork, arrive at the scene to investigate the domestic disturbance... which involves a karate-kicking Red Riding Hood, a sarcastic wolf and an oafish Woodsman... The charges made include breaking and entering, intent to eat, and wielding an axe without a license... But first... they all have their stories to tell... That means different versions of that story we have all grown to love as little kids... So make sure you keep your eyes and ears open for this Christmas's animation!!! Cheers...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/03/2005 10:24:00 pm
Spring Weather Sucks... Can't Imagine Summer!!
The current weather in Melbourne is terrible... I'm hating it... The worst part it's not that it was freaking hot the past few days but there are bugs everywhere... it's almost worst than Malaysia... at least the bugs back home are pretty small... they are absolutely HUG over here... like mutated insects... I think it was Tuesday night... it was soo hot so I decided to keep my window open... well actually it's open almost all the time anyway even when I'm sleeping... people I know might know that I'm practically HOT blooded... must be the thick layer of blubber around my body... like a bear you know... Anyway... yeah so the window was open... and I didn't think much of it until I wanted to go to sleep... when I suddenly realise the ceiling of my room was like infested with these little flying bugs...!!! I was horrified... I mean bugs in general are fine... but if they are in swamps and I'm going to sleep with them around... Hello... who knows they might start biting and flying up my nose... So I got a cloth... because I have no swatter nor insect spray... and started swatting them... Man... took me like half any hour to get them all I think...!!! I'm so paranoid now that I close my window when the sun is setting... Today was windy and cloudy though... so it was pretty alright... But I can only imagine how hot it is going to get in the Summer... I know the locals love it... but coming from Malaysia... you tend to get sick of the hot weather... Can't wait for autumn and winter again!!!! Labels: P.O.V., random |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/03/2005 09:25:00 pm
Wednesday, November 02, 2005 |
What They Don't Tell You...
You know how some people know what they want to be since they were young and they know just exactly how to get it... Well I'm not one of them... and I'm like wondering how did they know how to get it? Did someone sit them down and tell them or did they go around asking or what? I'm basically focusing on ambition here... Lets say you want to be a molecular gastronomist... Well first of all who on earth would know such an occupation exists... but oh man it sounds soooo interesting... Anyway back to the point... I don't think that your parents can tell you anything about it... and even if you wanted to ask someone who would you ask? How do you find a molecular gastronomist? So... basically... I'm just wondering... is there a place where wew can actually get step-by-step guides to achieving our ambition? I've never been one to know what I want... I've always changed my mind on what I would really like to do as a career... however I still think chef would suit me well... But if only somehow someone had let me know the route to every career I've ever thought of I might have just been able to make up my mind... just maybe... Labels: P.O.V. |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/02/2005 05:38:00 pm
Re-review: Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Okay so some people are asking me to justify why I say I didn't like the movie and they say that it was good... So... that got me thinking if I was wrong about the movie... So here's the verdict...
Yes I was wrong... I think my first time watching it did not make a good impression because I had been waiting for the movie for sooooo long since the beginning of the year and I was frustrated with the bad quality version that I managed to get so it wasn't a good start at all... But after giving it another go... I have to say that I underrated the movie... Almost the entire cast gave a good performance but I still maintain that Matthew didn't really have that X-factor to play Mr. Darcy... but still cute... and Mr. Bingley was just plain terrible... This version is a much more vitalised adaptation of the novel and gives a sort of freshness which I think the younger generation would like... Everything else I said still holds... I like the chemistry that Keira and Matthew created for their characters and Keira was simply fabulous in her part... she made the movie worth the watch... ;p What can I say I'm a big fan of hers... Ok so I did enjoy the movie second time around... witty and charming...Labels: movie |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/02/2005 03:56:00 pm
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 |
Australian Idol: Final 5
Moving along the musical timeline this week was 70s week... Only 5 left and the pressure is definitely on... Excellent week this week it really was... Lee was back to his fast paced self... Kate lost her voice but amazingly when she sang you'll never have guessed... but she chose to sing Lady Marmalade which I think was not really suitable for her... Daniel was not too bad... Emily was as usual her spectacular self... bagging yet ANOTHER "touchdown"... a "carnation touchdown" at that... and the outstanding performance for the night came from Daniel who delivered all that the judges have ever expected... with Desperado... and he got himself a "touchdown"...
Naturally with only 5 left and all them talented at their own right... it was difficult to even think about any one of them leaving... The bottom 3 for the week were Kate, Lee and Daniel... Kate was sent back to safety first with the public rallying behind her and overlooking her unfortunate condition... So it was down to Lee and Daniel... Lee has never been the strongest singer in the competition but boy do the people love him and he really knows how to entertain the people... Daniel in his own right made himself known as a serious contender over the past two weeks when he stepped up his game and he does have a good rock voice... In the end... it came down to a difference of less than 0.2% between the two guys... and the one to leave was... Daniel... So Lee lives to sing another day... Good thing at that too... Personally I think he brings sommething special to the competition... If I'm not wrong he's the first punk-based singer in the competition... not only in AuI... So I hope he gets far... Until next week... Cheers...Labels: music, news |
posted by
WanTse @ 11/01/2005 03:23:00 pm
= Author = |
20 (2006)
Melbourne, Australia
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Current Occupation:
BComm Undergraduate
Current Subjects:
306-201 Cost Management
206-202 Intermediate Financial Accounting
333-201 Business Finance
732-103 Principles of Business Law
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House Season 3
Grey's Anatomy Season 3
CSI Season 7
Boston Legal Season 3
Ugly Betty Season 1
Scrubs Season 6
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